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10 2. Infant diod 3. Infant died 4. Liborty Fleet Magee b-2/27/lO05. <1-5/29/19*9. m- Sally Whittington, * chi a, Troy Magee m- (1) Maude Holmea, b-H/2l/l906, d-0/3l/l939 *t childbirth and baby daughter died at birth. Troy1n nocond marriage was to Myrtlo Evans, b. Hal ton Magee, l>-8/l7/1913. <4/10/20/195^. Margaret Morgan, dau. of Snm Morgan and had two chlldrnni Sammie and Sherry Lynn Magee. 5. Lotiloa Magee b- June 2%, 1800, m- Nov. 1900 to Kelly Calvin Brumfield, b-7/13/1871, <1-12/23/1959? son of Nancy Fortlnberry Willia and Elisha Brumfield. Had three children: a. Fleet E. Brumfield, m- 1938 Etta Bearden, 1 son 1, Joe Kelly Brumfield, b-1939 b. Allie Brumfield m- Adrian 0. Turnage, live near Tylertown, no oh. c. Bertie Brumfield, m- W. Howard Kessler, live Belvedere Drive, Jackaon, Hies, where he is Department Manager for Southern Bell Telephone Company, and they have 3 chi 1. Louisa Kessler 2. William Kesnler 3* Onorga Kenaler f. Thomas J. Oravoa, b-1857, d-19%0, nervod an Justice of Peace for Washington Parish, m- Laura BahamJamea, b-1868, d-19^6, and had 10 ch: 1. Hubert Craves, b-1891, m- Jessie Cartor, lives Shrevoport, La. has children. 2. Daniel W. Graves, postmaster at Bogalusa, m- Eva Bateman, had two sons* a. LrRoy Graves killed during WWII b. Daniel W.Graves, Jr. 3. W. Carey Graves, in- Eloise Richardson, lives Dallas, Tex. has a dau: a. Maxine Graves, m- J. T. Price H. Thomas J. Graves Jr. m- Jessie Graves, dau. of Bennie Graves, has K chi a. Tommie Lloyd Graves,b-19^0, married a girl from Holland and has 1 son. b. Jesse "Buddy" Graves, b-19^1# ?- Mary Thomas c. Glen Graves, b*19*0 d. Carey Lester Graves, b-19^5 5. Laura Graves, d-June 1959, ?- Troy Smith, Dallas, Tex. and had a aon: a. Troy Reed Smith, Jr. 6. Alma N. Graveo, a Riptlst Missionary to Japan 7. John Graves, lives Dallas, first married Mildred Hughos, and had two sons, subsequently had a second and third mArriage. 6. Nathaniel Graven, m- (l) Haggle___________ and had a non, (2) m- Eslene Orr, and has a son by tho second marriago. Lives El Paso. 9. Joe Gravoo, m~ Luoile Smith and had 1 noni a. Hobby Graves, m- Myrna James and had nons Perry Alton and Kicky Graves. 10. Vorna Graves g. Willie N. Graves, b-185?), <1-1951 ? ***** Halona Stogner, b-1057, d-1950, 9 ch: I. Houston Graves dlod young 2. Honnie Graveo b-1801 m- Rosa James and had 7 children: a. Arbie Graven , 1905-1925 b. Jessie Graves, b-1906, m- Thomas J. Graves, Jr., above f-H c. Willie Graves, m- Nora Taylor d. Houston Graves, m-* Lir.eie Woods o. Lula Graves m- Charles Varnado f. Leo Gravos m* Kenta Woods g. Harry Graves ) 11 3. Luther Gravos, b-l003? m- Bonnie Thomaa, had 6 chi a. Boyce Gravos b. lono Oravon c. Claude Oraves d. Shelby Graves e. Tommy Gravos f. Harold Graven >1. Mlclian] Oravos, b-1005, <1-1925, n- Althea Olt, nn<l had J daunt a. Evolyne Grnvoa, n- Charles Uoyette, had J dausi Cli&rlotte, (Unger, and Diana Boyette. b. Kathryn Graves, m- Frank Percy and had two children. o. Agnes Graves m- Arthur Lowia, had clu Martha Ann, Mike, and Gerry. 5. Emma Oraves, b-188?, m- Ira Daunton Gibbs, Sr., b-10lW, d-1956, 3 sons* a. Buddy Gibbs dledtyoung. b. Ira Daunton Oibbs, Jr., m- Vorna Bennett, had Ira Daunton Oibbs III. c. Kimbal Oibbs, m- Carol Bateman, had Kay Douglas and Bob Oibbs, 6. Margaret Gravos, b-1091, m~ (1) Hr. Ilayes, and had one child which died infancy, m- (2) Harry Parker ami they reared his nephew Walter. a. Walter Parker, b-19#. m- Dolores Scott, b-1936, 2 ch: Oill and Michael T. Parker. 7. Sam W. "Slmmie*1 Graves, b-1093. *1-1950. ?- Maggie Toney, dau. of Lee Toney, and had 5 ch: a. Snm W. Gravon, Jr., m- Lynetta Ryala, and had 3 chi Chria, Simmie III, and Penny Lynn Graves. b. Harris Graves, m- l*uclle Bankston c. I?ouiae Graves, b-1918, m- Johnson Thomas d. WAva Graves, m- Millard Konnington e. Marjorie Graves, m- Herman Rushing 8. Murray Graves, b-1895. n- (1) Bessie Moon, had 1 aon. Bessie died 1928 Murray m- (2) Hattie B. Wilkes, and had a dau. perhaps 2 daus. a. Murray Moon Graves lives Chicago, married, and has 2 or more children. b. Myra Helen Graves, m- Gale Dawsey and lias 3 ch: Laura Lynn Dawsey, b-1956; Steven Douglas Dawsey, b-1958; Michael Allen Dawsey, b-1960. 9. Mary Graven, b-l897?nn* Walter Moss, a Railroad employee at Bogalusa, La., had 3 chi a. Dorothy Moss, b-1920, m- Willard Bennett b. Howard Moon, b-1921 , m- Joan lly no to, lives Bogalusa, c. Mary l?e Hosa, b*1925. m- Jack Nolen, and lives in Texas. Mol Inna Gravon, dnu. oT Arcadia Magro and Nathanlol Graven, m- Wallace Stogner, brother to Malona 3logner, wlfo of WiJlie N. Graves, above, and U?y had 5 ch: 1. William Nathaniel Stogner, "Hat" b-5/22/1082, m- 11/26/1903, Hyrtle Magee, b-3/2/lO(J5. and had (J chi a. All no jtognor, m- Willia Rhymes Simmons, Silver Creek Community, and had 3 chi Myrtle Jane, Patricia Arm, and Willia Agnes Simmons. b. Mossle Mao Stogner, m- Walton Lewis, lives Laurel, Miss, no children. c. Kmma SLogner, m- Lnvnrn Little, had 3 chi 1. Virginia Little m- Wnyno Nutt and haa 2 daughters. 2. Wlllmrn Lavern Little 3. Barbara Ann Little
Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-06