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Sworn to and subscribed before me, this .day of., "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I was a Confederate soldier, sailor or servant of such Confederate soldier or sailor (as the case may be); that I was honorably discharged or parolled, or did not desert from the Confederate service (as the case may be); that I reside in this State; that I am Indigent and infirm; that I am not able to earn a support, and have no relatives able, whose duty It Is to support me; that I nor my wife do not own property, real or personal, to the value of $2,500.00; that I nor my wife have not conveyed any of my or her property to any one witli a view to drawing a pension, so help me God.? Sworn to and subscribed before me (Signature of Pensioner) , thls?2v*n5/!day AFFIDAVIT OF TWO WITNESSES. We, the undersigned, verily believe the facts stated in the above application to be true and'the applicant to be the Identical pei-son named in the said application. _ -- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this J/xuaCs.. (SlgnatureS?{^VH}iess) / 3 of Wityess) 'J? j"" - r- OFFICE OFj CHANCERY CLERK AND COUNTY BOARD OF ...COUNTY ..........................................MISS................................/....&....^7-.........192./.... We, the undersigned members of the Board of Inquiry, hereby approve the foregoing application of ...........for pension because we know the applicant .tobejndigenbf'and physically unable to earn a support by his own labor caused by wounds or injuries re-, ceived durlnfTfie CfvirWM,* SBd'tliafWe 1b^H4V?'ilie'ta5t8''BiaiBU?1i{*UlBrKDWff^ppticandn*^rr'(ni?r'and??tliii- party should receive a pension. Given under our hands and seals of office, this. JO............................ of ...................................................192../. Chancery Clerk (Seal) O :1 ; * O :j 3 ii (Seal) O : J (Seal) (Seal) / to 1 P (Seal) ? a> ?i (Seal) Clerk TW!al) | N. B.?If the Board approves this application, the Chancery Clerk will so certify, after recording the same in a book kept for that purpose, and forward all of the approved applications in a body (not one at a time) to the Auditor?s office by the first day of October. No application forwarded after that time will be received. Rejected ^applications should not be forwarded to this office. o o Z ?0^0 rt> cr H P CO T>

Goode, Chesterfield 007