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once a month by a preacher, of the same cut as old mister Kerr that use to preach to the servants, the church at the Bay of St Louis is catholic almost every one there are catholics. And as to having a church here if Pa and Col Claiborne can build one & employ the minister, we can have one, and we would be the only ones that would attend, there is no other persons that could attend. The reasons I wrote you about the church Ma wrote me and asked to know about it, and I neglected writing about it. I know she will not be pleased with this country. And Pa says he bleives he would sell this place next year and buy that one near New Orleans. And I told him if he bought any to buy our old home again that is the prettiest and the best place in the world, if I oned the six hundred acres back of the house I would be perfectly happy and I expect to live in Tennessee some day yet. I hope the Dr will hold on to his place. I would rather live up there and make five thousand dollars a year than to live here and make ten to fifteen. do not let Pa know I have been speaking of this place, it makes him very angry when I speak of it in that way.
I am however perfectly happy and contented where I am pleasing Ma and Pa. And I know I will, that is I am pretty certain I will, make enough to pay all expenses for coming down and enough to pay for the place.
We have a very good stand of cotton, better than any one I know of, much better than col Claiborne, we have some cotton hal a [illeg] high. I am much obliged to Miss Martha Johns, for remembering me. give her my best and duble twisted love when you see her again. I have not seen Miss Ogden yet, but expect to go up shorty. I was up at Gainsville an Perlington Andrew and Willis Claiborne also went, they are just such places as Slipup.

Jackson Letters 007
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