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L 8 LOUISIANA STUDIES Summer Fernandez, Jose ferrand, Jaques ?letcher, Henry ??lotte and Michot ?ortier, Adelard Jallaud, Francois Jarcia , Bapt iste laud in , J . S . Jirard , Charles losseron, Louis ire ier , Et ienne uesrard, Joseph all , J. J. arperr, S imon enry, Eustache allot, John aywood, S. H. aforgue, Raymond ecrocq, Victor epart, Francois eroy, Lou is anuel, Alexis art in , (?) a s er a t , F. as son , George atras, Antoine auberet, F. ax t , Joseph Merc ier , D . Michel, A. B. Michel, Joseph Monseaux, Hypolite Moore, John Nat ive, Alexis Neven, Elijah Noel , Charles ------ Ornote, Adolphe Pijeaux, Lucien Plisse, Gustave Ponporreau , F. Populas, Celestin Potier, Lewis Quazeba, Carlos Quessaire , D. S. R imet, Denn is Robeson, James R. Rousseau, Joseph Rousseau, J. (freed man of color) Sandford, William Sheppard , Lewis St. Mart in, Louis Valsain, Pierre Ves s ie , Eugene West, P . Willard, C. ?/ ' j Footnotes and References 1. No data are available on the careers of Sei-icht'or JJ$rjon, and their furniture is less easily entifiable. Barjon's "Magasin de Meubles? is lis-d over a span of years in many of the directories. 1822 Paxton's N.O. Directory listed "Barjon, D., binet maker, 9 St. Ann St., d. h. 46 Orleans St." advertisement in the New Orleans City Directory 1837 stated that he had recently enlarged his siness. Gibson's N. O. and Lafayette Directory 838) lists Barjon's furniture warehouse at the rner of St. Philip and Royal Street. The 1841 w Orleans Directory lists the same address. Pitt 1962 FRENCH CABINETMAKERS 19 and Clarke, Gu ide and Directory t o New Orleans , La -fay?tte, A1giers, and Gretna , list the address 285 Royal Street. The 1853 and 1854 directories give the same address. Barjon's name appeared in the directories until 1867. 2. For large illustrations of the designs of Seignouret and Mallard, see E. Crawford Smith's article in the Hammond Progress, July 8, 1938, p. 14. 3. A good description of the "Maison Seignouret," with illustrations of the patio and the garde de fr1se (with the ornamental "S" that has figured in the Seignouret "legend") is given in Stanley C. Arthur, Old New Or Ieans, A History of the Vieux C a rre, its Ancient and Historical Buildings (New Orleans: Harmonson, 1936), pp. 61-64. 4. Cf. M. 0. Ronstrom, "Seignouret and Mallard, Cabinetmakers," Antiques, Vol. XLVI, No. 2 (August, 1944), p. 79. Also S. C. Arthur, oj). c it . , p. 63. 5. E. g. , Harnett T. Kane, describing the "S" in the ornamental garde de fr1se in Queen New Or- leans , City by the River (New York: William Morrow and Co., 1949), p. 356, writes that "He (Seignouret) often worked the letter "S" into patterns . . ." Arthur , oj>. c it ., also mentions the legend, and Smith, op . c it . , says "Seignouret is accredited with carving the initial 'S' in all his pieces. Sometimes it was conspicuously in a panel. At other times, the 'S' was so intricately worked into the carved pattern as to defy identification. The 'S' was always in the form of a reversed scroll and constituted his signature to the work." Ronstrom, in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, Sept. 1, 1938, "Up and Down the Street," p. 26, believed in the myth, but six years later, in "Seignouret and Mallard, Cabinetmakers," oj>. c it . , she writes "This legend is purely the product of vivid imagination." 6. Ronstrom, jdjj . c i t . , p . 8 0. 7 . Ibid. 8. United States Census, 1830.
Mallard Furniture-(French-Cabinetmakers-in-the-Vieux-Carre-by-Charles-D.-Peavy-1962)-part7