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There were six daughters:
1.	Marie, born in 1649, married Guillaume de la Rue.
2.	Jeanne, born in 1656, married Jean Herou dit Bourgainville in 1674, and was remarried in 1690, to Mathurin Marais.
3.	Madeleine, born in 1657, married Francois Roussel in 1671.
4.	Elisabeth, born in 1659, married Jean Arcouet dit Lajeunesse in 1671.
5 & 6. Twins, Marguerite and Marie-Ursule, born in 1662. The first married Bernard Joachim dit Laverdure in 1679; the second married Nicolas Geoffroy about 1678 and was remarried in 1680 to Louis Pinard.
Some descendants of Guillaume Pepin, a small number of whom are called Laforce, live in the same town in which their ancestor lived three hundred years ago. However, the majority have settled on the^south bank of the river, from Nicolet County to the Montreal region.
Some name variations, across the border and over the generations, have been recorded.
Pepin: Cardonnet, Chateauguay, De La Fond, Des-cardonnets, Dupin, Lachance, Lachausse'e, Laforce, Laforge, Lechance, Papan, Papin, Patin, Pepain, Pepine, Pepitt, Pine, and Refort.
Tranchemontagne:	Bausier, Beausier, Corbeil,
Daneau, Denoyer, Desnoyers, Fortier, Garceau, Gourbeil, Laisne', Lescuyer, Lespardier, Nouvei, Pizachon, Roussel, St. Pierre, Sulliere, Sullieres, Sustier, Suyer, Thomas, Vignault and Vilelain.(20)
1)	P.-G. Roy, Inventaire des concessions en fief, Vol.2,
p 2. The word "brothers" in quotes, leaves some question concerning the fraternal relationship. Guillaume is more often called "Tranchemontagne", however, a legal note sent to Pierre Boucher, dated
22	May 1652, calls him "Guillaume Pe'pin, Sieur de la Fond."
2)	P.-G. Roy, Inventaire d?une collection, Vol.l, p 2.
3)	Record of Severin	Ameau.
4 & 5) G.-Robert Gareau,	Premieres concessions	d?habitations
de Boucherville.
6)	Archange Godbout.	Pionniers de la region	trifluvienne.
p 50.
7)	Ibid. Documents divers, Vol.Ill,	p	30.	Record	of
notary Teuleron, 16 June 1645.
8)	Record of notary Henry Bancheron.
9)	Marcel	Trudel. Terrier du Saint-Laurent,	p 351.
10)	Record	of Nicolas Gastineau	dit	Duplessis.
11)	Record	of Flour Boujonnier.
12)	Op Cit	(1).
13)	Records of Jacques Duchesne	and	Pierre	Fieffe,
notaries of the King at Paris.
14)	Op Cit (9). p 366.
15-18) Records of Severin Ameau.
19)	Histoire de la Baie Saint-Antoine.	p 452.
20)	Tanguay, Jetted et al.

Pepin 007
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