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Cp65; D*-5? page 56$; D-6, page^4; D-7 page 375 of the.records..of deeds of said County. The grantors, Mildred Gloria HcITulty and Janes R. MclTulty convey in pursuance At W- f0f the authority conferred upon then by a decree of the Chancery Court of Hancock County, Mississippi, dated May 10, 1943 in Cause No. 4706 on the docket thereof; and all of said ^grantors acquired their interest in said property as set forth in the decrees of said court "?J" fjdated respectively March 12, 193S and Hay 10, 1943 in causes Nos. 4064 and 4705 on the dock-get thereof. The taxes on said property for the year 1943 are hereby assumed by the grant? ?herein. WITNESS our signatures this the 18th day of May, A. D. 1943. Reginald Ncra McNulty Mildred Gloria McNulty 550 Revenue Stamp affixed and cancelled as by lav; required. Janes B. McNulty Mary Ryan been United States Revenue staiaps in the sun of Fifty-five Cents have/affixed here |?to and duly cancelled, as required by law. ACKM 0WLE 3GMENT STATE OF LOUISIANA W ,?A5I3H CF ORLEANS : CITY CF NEV/ ORLEANS
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