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jmmunity or Landmark	Rfl	V	St	1	nil	1	S
Mississippi Sound_______________________
.0*^1 fl't.onoitude 89^ 19<\f kno wn) jO_________Township..^*?____:__Range 13W rnimiy HdnCOCk
>se of proposed project and estimated cost
mended use of the project Public Fishing and Boat Launching
(Explain in remarks) Estimated Cost Unknown
J. Length of time required for project activity 90 Days
10.	Date activity is proposed to commence
<;nnn pprmiftpri.
Date activity is expected to be completed_______90 days after________permi tted.
11.	Is any portion of the activity for which authorization is sought now complete? Yes ? ? No If answer is ' Yes? give reasons in the remarks section. Month and year the activity
was completed _____________________________________ . Indicate the existing work on the drawings.
12.	Measures to be taken to prevent detrimental offsite impacts
Does the project area include any marshlands? Yes G3 No Q I If ves. explain) The NW Section of the
shoreline area includes marsh._________________________________________________________	__________________
How will excavated material be contained?_______
What is the location of the spoil disposal site?
13.	List all approvals or certifications required by other Federal, Interstate, state or local agencies for any structures, construction, discharges, deposits or other activities described in this application.
Issuing Agency
Type Approval
10/404 Certi fication Permi t
Identification No.
Date of Application
Date of Approval
Has any agency denied approval for the activity described herein or for any activity directly related to the activity described herein? Yes ? No 0 (If "Yes" explain in remarks)
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15. Remarks
The existing structure was completed before 1968 on top of an old shell pile from a seafood processing plant that operated on this site many years ago. STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
The"proposed addition to the pier would provide more space for fisher men. The jetty extension will provide better protection for boat ?launching as well as additional space for fishermen. The base of thf jetty will cover about 3,000 square feet of water bottom. Maintenance of the structures will provide continued public access. The

American Legion Pier 061
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Hancock County Historical Society
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