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t 8 S t , '■* i Vs From Ca: Louis R^i. Wednesday Night—J" Another While Get AsHore. Lying oh i cot in the store of the to B^y Sfe .... Bridge on Afternoon and Drowne<$ and w Broken in Effort to Bay Mercantile Company, in Front street, and . made as comfortable as could be even under the most favorable circumstances was Harry Hall, a blueeyed youth with flaxen-colored hair, big and strong/ typical in appearance of the men v ho go out in ships ;to the seas, with his right leg broken, v Shattered in spirit, mind tortured and bodily racke i, with a thrilling' experience while oh board a fishing ■Wednesday ifternoon and night, with three other men,—-two members sof ,the crew and ai d the third a guest,. who was drownec; juBt on the verge kof his rescue. The fishing sloop, “Lady Emma,*'of Biloxi, out ftom Gulfport^ and engaged in^flshin^ for a firm of Bhip^ers at the iatter-n&med place, was caught in the fearful nurricahe Wednesday morning, •yjhile at ; G9OSB |P01NT, CAT ISLAND, about 12 to b miles fronj the mala lanxi, and about noon time became a mere, plaything ojn the crest of a raging sea, Whilst the (men on board desperately clung to th? hull of the vessel,., which kept ever afloat, with all semblance of rigging anadeok structure gonei STEINS t. &t 'N. BpiDG®. The WB8 ? drifted allaifcernoonjlii tMs labyrinth t f ytMl ahp»wftter,;Wftfe ^ rata, one b ia ,j$ e>$-' fprt tor fM* Anally ai ** uurt ifirn oiumvi ,15, • , - i<. v, r • ■ ■ ,• bi- *•- , ,■% J Damage Situation and In Effort to Avoid a Recur? renee of Damages—jCom? mittee of Twelve to Be Aj% pointed to , Demise: 'Ways and Means to Piwid^ JPor Permanent Eroteetionl ; The condition ref ult^ht fromj the awful tropical hurrica le which strtick Bay St. Louis this wees granting such action, a ball was iisu&ii 6y Mayor L. B. Capdepon for a mas.s meeting at the Courthouse yesterday afteraoop to discuss ways and means ttfmeet the situation with which ,we are today ..confronted and to,protect Against such recurrence and avoidithe widespread damages which almost entirely carried away the front roadway .and property of the city. , Judge \v ill T. McDonald as spokesman convened the jneetefig and stated ita object as hereipstated. His honor, Mayor Capdepon, (was./«ppointed tem-; porary and later made permanent chairman. Judge McDonald- who made the; motion also further moved that C, G. Moreau be made . temporary and: later permanent secretary of the organization.} , t ? : Prominent aiatmg the speakers were Joseph F, CaZBneuv6, Jo8Bph O. Mauf-fray, George W. Pitched senior and junior. It was moved thsji'a committee of twelve represen^tiv^idtizana be appointed by the chsir, this committee to devise ways andm&mB fcr the building j>i one big 89awj$t<ln |rfl»t of th<r city and to restore. JilieTtoafliipsr. I^w^'turtfa^iSTa^eSipEt the .Mayor Invit^ f/tlireeof Sfc^Jtopflipromihent ol* mb C]oneern WU1|£ Trees, Cann^i serving ^lanjt* fe <. Forty-one miles the N. O.', M. & C. 3 planting of TC|000 . i son there Is beingN i< gest fig orchard ia A if not ja the iyorid canneries an4 jjn» itom which thiscws< 10,000 bot&edpatti] ii figs haB been begiii t, tion has 63,500 fig t re ing and it is annoui ic Farns Companjy, o? n acre orchard, tfiati it this ‘ section of the biggest fig center in the count The big orcharcj Lucedale, Miis., are of the Magnoli^ itself being so^aeth A few years ago man went- to t Viet Magnolia trees.' :H« dred, butwhe^ itc4h ail^he could find i*a sent fig trees in thd and thus made Vijet and giave chatj-variet; Magnolia.—Mobile^ i Jter saeta.Se^s 5&JSO rj^-rep.Qrt: syiflc, .*^n. :hint^ irflfe" ).U8±W wiild att( and trying INL [U % ! !>*- »;f?f m •'feurpuss J# *wy>» / tawritoi d»attet| iorraeriy pfjtiis city, W ncw're?iSii^''ftt i> begs to -&hjldunce'' iriends foroier_ £ Th#pri« oftheDOi *ter, complete, it only! ) i# 110 Inches. Tit Jkk t fot tbe money,- Seeu i. -Co>Oper«tiTe Giur«|» Cos ticnlui. * DE. c; L Physician ajn GEX BLDG., Mii A. M. «ni 4 to 5.»«| JRe8idence—Carroll! a At Power’s t?ru^ £ PR, JHAMPD^r Office Bolton Buiidib ill Howard ^Ayettii ■ $Mee,» EMItI ATTOENI OFFIOE -oax BL BAY ST. IfO , < DE. J. AZ ] - DKHT Office1.—in Hwio Bulldiftg. Hours 5:S0 P, M, ’ My st, OTt a, tar a
Historic Hurricanes (Treutel Book) Historic-Hurricanes-Of-Hancock-County-1812-2012-(061)