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e Ae lie s^ies-. the iiS^ «j '** own in a hr' istarifce ed in'fishing lor a firm of shippers at the latter-named place, was caught in the fearful iiurricane Wednesday morning, while at GOOSE [POINT, CAT ISLAND, about 12 to 15 miles fron; the main land, and about noon time became a mere plaything on the crest of a raging sea, while the jmen on board desperately clung to the hull of the vessej, which kept ever afloat, with all semblance of rigging and deck structure gone; STRIKES'L. & N. BRIDGE. . The vessel drifted all afternoon in the labyrinth (jf wind and'water, ware and rain, one battling the^ other, in an effort for supremacy,.; as it .werej until finally at 8 o’clook that night, while the hurricane iras raging at its height, the long L. &' ST. railroad bridge,, spanning this city at d Henderson point, wasen.-countered- -8truck with.; Sucto forcethat «igfat -tb® i ijeis\ • wUi ttiallzed that it w$i: nigh meant destruction.. T Howevei, the four men on board finally manage 1 to get ahold of the Mdgei Three wer i "landed,” mfembera; of the crew.whiln theiouctb,aguQst on boards who hadg me with the men to fish, was drbwned. the ss ip n ,«tion in half motion also further moyed that C, G. Moreau be made .temporary and later permanent secretary of the organization.) Prominent among the - speakers were Joseph' P. Cazeneuve, Joseph 0. Mauf-f ray, George W. Psitoherj senio? and junior. It was moved that a committee of twelve representative citizens be appointed by the chair, this committee to devise ways andmejatia for thp building of one big eeawall jin front pJE the city and to restore the roadway. .{ . It was further mpvedjlbat the Mayor invite “three of; tfcd most prominent citizens of the place”| to j confer with Jilin today fop the. apj^jfatmeht of m^mfiera to the /"CommitWijof ^el£e.” Then this Committee of .'Ty?eiv'|> ahall repqrt finally tothe BoaW;: Of i^ayor and Al-derinei for action in tj$ premises. On'motion of |ha Mayor reau.‘ -■ i V!■; The meeilng was brief,^Jmt 'ftcUve, aii4 its w<jrk wilt count ^fojr tniidh fpr the Immediate future o< out dlty.. ■ ^ j Hall,1 of Pensacola* had his leg broken while att impting to leave the] boat and tryinf: to rescue the man who ' lost his life. TE E MAN DROWNED .wasagueit. at the Beaph Hotel,-Gulf* portv1 Th i men onboard only : kntw him by tt a-name of,V$£l?» Dookbr$ge$ but b no I'kno^ :, where tie baiie<tftroin. Hijj.bocljr at Mb wUtag'ha* not be$o feoo^red^- He wm about 38: years , of age,, Th^ otiier.menotihe ojew W#w8,it of Qtorff* Magnolia.—Mjobi The price of the D •ter, complete, it at ii 110 inches. The I for the money* See Co-Operative Garage ticolart. DR. C, I Physician Office; GEX BLDG., A.M. and 4 to 5 Residence—Carro At Power’s Drt DR..HAMPI Office Bolton Bui III Howard; A* Offie thi ideal jttaee of .resident iB iof the op|nion tbit nowhere else Wk Surpass ..... . ..... ,... „ it. | As we have already proven it, we, The min eenoualy injured, Harry itoa> are of tbe 8abje opinion, - nil I', a# DAn(ia/in1n. hnii Vita lor* KVAtfAd i • . . ‘ E&P*« ’ATTORiT OFFICE-GEX BAY ST. Dr. J. Q. Landrum, dentist, formerly of tbis city j but now residing ; at the Kiln j begs to aonounce to ^ia friends and former patrons that ^e will 'bein Bajy St. Louis," at! the <jiex Building, 6a Tuesdays, Wjadnea^ys, Thurs-dayand Saturdays.-—Adv.’ J tyjroa .«r«- conteapUjlai tU jgurclueof rui •ntim&ib for yo«r fairly tr!« the ajtiir U&X* dWt fail r«ph»lNB|aliir*»f i^» ;K. . X DR>> J. ’4- ■* ,.*••] ; • j; . ;de Office1. —In Hi Building^ Hpuri 5:80 P. : 'tvSAYVSIS: . • GEX & : ATToiRfT: ■WiUfpracUjie 1 all S tate Court? a General Court® i SOBERS ATTORtfETj’ A j- A' Oifioe-rGeain BAY feT.. MoDOljiwi* 4TTORNBYS t ,e A Offioea;—Hafaqoc
Historic Hurricanes (Treutel Book) Historic-Hurricanes-Of-Hancock-County-1812-2012-(062)