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(flinuimmitg Ihtiliu'rs BY MISS SALLIE C1RLOT County Home Demonstration Agent. ! } O4 J- | Upon tlie privacy and sanctity of the home rests the strength of I tK' American Nation • I Home expresses the family life which is lived in the house. I The ideals of home are created by the fpmily, or by her who is to ; leud in its administration and arrangement. Each home should be an institution of Society so managed that the best and most efficient citizens may be given to the community. The aim of home-mak-ing is character building. The strength of the fallen nations was laid in the home. A ready responses was received from the smallest home or community. . The homes, schools and churches build a community. Without a /’>!'■ CLUB GIRLS AT WORK. MANUAL TRAINING CLASS. The need of good communities comes from communities, towns, cities, States and Nations, a reflection of the past stages of our own nntional life brings this forcibly to us. The leaders of the world .•Ie those who were leaders in their communities. The foundation f their leadership was laid in their country homes. The greatest product of a community, State or Nation is tho ■uys and girls. The greatest need of a community is. true manhood .i:d womanhod. Where are they to come from? They are to ccme .■m the home, school, church and community. Are you doing your part? Christ, the greatest Man, was ;i cnn.-onity builder. Build your life like Christ. 25
Kiln History Document (075)