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FAMOUS SCULPTOR VISITS.... ?.Uvjffcw 1 RICHMOND BARTHE, sculptor, at right, shown with a reproduction of one of his famous works, * St Bernadette, as she secs the vision of the Virgin Mary." Richmond Barthe, inlernationally known sculptor, was honored with a reception Tuesday from 4 to 6 p m. at St. Aug<islfne?s Seminary where many of his works were on display. Rev. Father John Casper, rec lor, gave the welcome and Mayor John Seafide presented the artist with a key to the city. Mrs R A Stcinmaycr, president of (he City-County Memorial Library. thanked Mr Barthe for his gift of a piece of sculpture to the library. The suhjecl is (he head of Mrs Thelma Heller, formerly of Bay St Louis, now residing in.Jamaica. Mrs Heller is the daughter of Mrs Katherine WiNon. local librarian Mr Barthe. born in Bay St. IvOuis in 190I. attended St. Rose Parochial School then located in the rear of Our l*ady of the Oulf Church, and public school until the 7th grade when he cjujI to help with the support of his family, as hi.s molber, the former Marie Raboteau. was widowed when he was a small boy. i On weekends and during thei summer months he worked for the Harry S. Pond family who owned a summer home at the corner of Ballenline Street and JJeach Blvd., and in I917 he went lo New Orleans to work for them and remained there until 1924 Barthe?s first exhibit, a life-size painting of the head of Christ at a New Orleans ?hurch festival so impressed a priest there that he helped Barlhe lo study at the Chicago Art Institute His first attempt at sculpture was in 1928 After four years at art school he went lo .New York and remain ed (here until 1947 when he went to live in .Jamaica. Mr Barthe has received tw'j Julius Rosenwald fellowships, two Gugonheim Fellowships; he holds Honor in addition to many awards and citations from the American and National Academy of Arts and; letters His works are now on ex hibit in museums and private col lections throughout the world Some of his best known works arc in the field of the theatre. Among! them arc bis model of Katherine Cornell as "Juliet", Sir Lawrence! Olivier, Judith Anderson, Maurice Evans and Cypsy Rose Lee. I A six-foot bronze statue of Christ by the famed artist is in the! Church of St Jude in Montgomery,] Ala | Barthe, whose last visit in Bay St Louis was 10 years ago. is thej guest of his sister Mrs Douglas| Williams and family who residei on the Old Spanish Trail. | He plans to visit members of the i?ond family in Mobile on Kri day and return here prior to go ing back to his home in Jamaica I nl.rMT ril-TKKN M MUKH FullTY NINK - Single Copy"
Barthe, Richmond Hancock-County-Eagle-8-1964