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message from Favre also contained news on the insurrection at Baton Rouge derived from Favre?s conversation with American Colonel William Spillers 2nd Regiment of Militia and member of the Convention [need additional information on the Convention]. Juan Bautista Pellerin, Pass Christian, to Vicente Folch, Number 27, September 23, 1810. Cayetano Perez, [Commandant at] Mobile to Vicente Folch, Number 168, October 20, 1810 This morning at 9:30 Perez received a letter from the commandant at Pascagoula, Hevia, which transcribed a letter of the commandant at Pass Christian, Pellerin. At this instance which is 20:00 I have received a letter from the commandant at Pass Christian. In this moment I have received word from Favre that 300 men of the rebels have arrived on the Pearl River and are marching against the settlement. No inhabitants have joined for the defense, Pellerin retired to Cat Island. Tomorrow he was going to Horn Island as it was impossible to stop the rebels. [Summary translation]. Favre continued to provide intelligence to the Spanish authorities through maps and communiques. On November 1, 1810, Pellerin at Pass Christian forwarded to Folch another map, this one apparently drawn by Favre, from information provided by a Mr. Brown, jailed at Baton Rouge. Favre from ?ribera de las Perlas? on October 28th states to Pellerin that a force of 100 men were planning an expedition against Mobile. In addition to providing military intelligence to Spanish authorities concerning the growing problems with pro-American forces from the west, Simon Favre played in important role in the granting and authorization of land deeds along the Pearl River. From a series of these land transaction from 1810 we derive important information on the settlement and toponymy of the East Pearl River. For example, Simon Favre confirmed the claim of Joseph Cooper on August to establish a Vacherie on a piece of land, 20 x 40 arpents, above a neck called sounp-kug, 202: Land Claims East of Pearl, GLA Evidence book A. Similarly, on 25 March 1810 Favre gave permission to 24
Favre The-Favre-Family-in-Hancock-County-24