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Ft. Lot 120, First \.?ard, Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, Miss. This parcel of land was originally part of Elr>wood Plantation. Jesse Cowand, the owner, died in 1052. June 28, 1853 it VJss ordered that a V.'rit of Dpwer issue to Elizabeth Cowand, widow of Jesse Cowand# allotting certain lands, the dwelling house, together with the offices and houses, out houses and buildings to the said Elizabeth, etc. Feb. 7. 18 5? - Sale of personal property of Estate of Jesse Cowand which included slaves, live stock, household furnishings, etc. June ^4-. 18 5 5 - Final account filed in Adrrini satrati on of the Estate of Jesse Cowand in First Elstrict Court of Kew Orleans. Auerust 2M-, 1858. decree of c onf irmat 1 on in the partition of lands of Jesse Cowand amon? the ten heirs was ordered in the Town of Gainesville.~ Allottr.ent and partition of lands among heirs July 30 > 1875-Lot 2, Front lots, drawn by heirs of Kary Elizabeth Liebrook: Henry Leibrook, Charles Leibrook, Lucinda Leibrook and Timmins Leibrook. Henry F. Leibrook <&- wife to Lucinda R. Leibrook and/,/illiam Timmins Leibrook, minors, represented by their father Frances Leibrook. Conveyance -- dated August 5. 18?2 Recorded Book F, page 132 Release and discharge and by these presents have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, reirlsed, released, conveyed and confirm unto the said parties of the second part and to their heirs and assigns forever - all the estate, right, title and interest, share, claim end demand of every nature and kind whatever which the said Henry Francis Leibrook owns, possessed or is entitled to in and to the Estate of his mother, the late Kary Elizabeth Leibrook, deceased, wife of Francis Leibrook, so far as the same relates to and regards any real estate situate in the Counties of Harrison and Hancock and State of Mississippi. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the revision and revisions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. Etc. (Kary Elizabeth Leibrook was a daughter of Jesse Covc.r.a. It in believed that the house built on Lot 120 was constructed curing the 1850s by i'ary Elizabeth Leibrook end her husband Francis Leibrook and before her death In 1861.)
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