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cM.argaxe.t ^iSjfjznl ill (htiZLn ^t\?-?.t Say <St., 3Q520 HISTORICAL MARKER BATTLE 1812 (Mailed to below) Bay St. Louis it Long Beach Jackson Waveland City Clerks Office (Eddie Favre) Bay Catholic Schools (Principal) Superintendent of Education Sheriff (Ronnie Peterson) Senior Citizens Center (Administrator) Veterans Service Center v Police Chief Naval Recruiting Office Port and Harbor Commission Bureau of Marine Resources Mr. Elbert Hilliard (Dept. Archives & History) Mr. Same Me G-ahee Ms Susan Enzweiler (Historic Sites) Waveland Library P.S.Ijf you want to'.address more let me Know or drop ;in my mail box? I ran out but we could also mail one more to the, Corps of Engineers - District Engineer Attn: SAMOP-S P. 0. BOX 2288 Mobile, AL 36628 & Bureau of Pollution Control (?) P. 0. Box 827 Jackson, MS 39205

Battle of 1814 2