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456 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. September.. 19! THE TROPICAL HtTEtBICASrE OF 5EPTE3EBEB. 29, 191 IN LOUISIANA. Ey Isaac M. Cline, District Forecaster. [Datad: Weatts: BursavNew Orleans, La., Oci. 21, 1915.’ The most, intense hurricane of which we have record history oi the Mexican Gulf coast, asd probably in t. United States, moved northward over southeastern Lo isiana and southwestern Mississippi during September 2 1915. The territory traversed By this hurricane, ssp daily near its center, is well covered by cooperative o serving stations, and the records of meteorological co ditions from these stations furnish unusually interests material for study in connection with hurricanes. "V have very complete barometer readings from New C leans, Bun-wood, and Morgan City, £a., and Bay £ Louis, Miss., and observations of weather conditions ai changes in wind direction on and near the path of t center of the hurricane from the time it struck the Lo isian.& coast until it passed out of the State, a distance about 150 miles.
Historic Hurricanes (Treutel Book) Historic-Hurricanes-Of-Hancock-County-1812-2012-(064)