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are hereby created a body politic and corporate with pi succession by the name and style of “the Mayor and AKPe^Ul of the city of Bay St.*Louis, and by that name may si/mf be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or eq may contract and be contracted with, may acquire by purd^J or otherwise and hold real, personal and mixed property forar use of said corporation to the amount ot tweijty-five thousai dollars, and may sell, lease or dispose of the same for the ben fit of said city; may have and use a common seal and chang] /V!. *	the	same at pleasure, and have and exercise all the powers]
P; *■> » rights and privileges usually appertaining to bodies’corporatiij KV	and	politic^of like character, as well as thoae powers, rightJ
-ftf •	al)d	privileges herein expressly conferred upon said corporation,!
i01’ necessary or convenient for the full exercise and enjoy men tl KW-ifcC V- such'powers, rights and privileges, or to carry out the full!', 3 v -intent aud meaning of this act, and to accomplish the object of'
1 / r this incorporation and to promote the interest of said city; and mjs*- ^ ' -process against said corporation shall be served on the Mayor • thereof as is provided by law for service on individuals.
* Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the municipal government i$..\.V<?of said city is hereby vested in a Mayor, four Aldermen, on?, fivr' *r '^eacli of the wards .of said city, an Assessor and Collector of taxes, fl/Treusufbr, Marshal‘and a Secretary, and such other i^—^VrSttbbrdinate prficers as may be established by said Board of r Mayor and Aldermen ; the Mayor, Aldermen and other elective
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whatever., j i,j ;. ( le Mayor |	7
until- thaii^ respective'successors shall be duly elected aud quali-n.nless vdien elected to fill a vacancy. .
•f -t:	Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That on the first Monday of
’ . April, 1886, and biennially thereafter, a general election shall t	be held in said city for , a Mayor, four Aldermen, an. Assessor--
' m, j and Collector of taxes, a Treasurer, Marshal and a Secretary ;
f, each of the four wards into which the said city >9/'fitted shall “.•* - r bo entitled to one representative in said Board c ''f^inor and ^Aldermen,,which representative shall be a resid>
.*. 'he is elected to represent; said Mayor, all of ^ ,
. Assessor and Collector:of taxes, Treasurer, MarsPpj . ; tary shall be elected by general ticket, and all ma^
^ residing in the corporate limits above defined and w ^ i-'.*.fied voters under the constitution of this State, who ,;y bona fide residents of said city for one month next day of election at which said inhabitants offer t vy who are duly registered as provided herein, are dec \ qualified voters of said city at such election.
Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, Tljat the Board of lldermen shall designate one public plrce foy hohln iji for the officers of said city, or for any electioi ‘v shall'provide a bsH^-b^x in which the vote lj‘
and strong lock ,- all elections shall be by ballot ; the poll shall be opened at nine o’clock in the morning and kept open until six o’clock in the evening, and the manner of voting, receiving and counting the votes and the character of the ballots to be cast at any election shall conform in all respects as near as pos-
*	sible to the requirements of sections 136 and 137 of the Revised Code qf 1880 of said Rtate; all e1. '-"s shall be ordered by thf
1 Board <|f Mayor and Aldermen for u.c time being, whether the same be a regular election gs herein provided for, or an electf0n to fill a vacancy, or a special election for ar.y purpose wh and noticfe of all elections shall be given, signed .bv the or the Mayor pro ten., as the c^se may be, by publication in a l '*•» newspaper published in said cfty if there be one, or by posters J ^v/vi.Vj posted in not less than four public places in said city, or both, j * ' $ as may be ordered by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen lor	^
? not less than tan days prior to said election.	sV.
i Sec. 6. Beit further enacted, That the Board of Mayor and'
■ Aldermen at their regular meeting in March next, and annually.
! thereafter, shall appoint three commissioners of election'for ^
/■ said city, all of whom shall not be of the same political party;
Ybefore acting the said commissioners shall take the oath of office ’•../9ft
•	\prescribed by section twenty-six, article twelve*'*£the conatitu- »
l,ion of the State, and file the same in tW'office ot Seare* ry of the city for preservation ; white^ugaged in their du^v^j id commissioners shall be conservajf*™ ot the peace under
officers shall hold their respective offices for two years, and ft ^Iierai ]awg 0f this State • tliey,-^^1 remain in office
»i.„.j. <.	/.n»	i-	-’m^rthiir	successorti.are appointed
ear unless removed, and ad
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ors d(
hich box shall be seem, V
d qualified.	_
Sec. 7. £eitfut^", ":<,cie"’ That within four days nex« be-Ve any electiop-	’n	sa’d	city,	said	commissioners	shall
pet at/th$ pX-y IwH awd careiully revise the registration book d the ‘jsJ‘J^"k*,0k °f said city, and shall erase therefrofa the pies	persons	improperly registered or who have died,
uove/Vor becqme disqualified as electors from any cause, and^ <j,'-. ihall rr|S'steri^,e names of all persons who have duly applied to ■t' V	'
’ .............................................................. ‘
m -rigistered and have been’illegally denied registration; all ,1 V**
ii complaints of a denial of registration shall be made to and de* ”. ' ci^ed by said commissioners, who shall make corrections accord-ii* to the right and justice of the case, and such bpoks shall ,	_	,
bfprima facte evidence of the name and number of the qualified ..fa A elctors in said city, aud after such revision said commissioners '! ^”^ ^4 s^ll attach their^ertificates thereto, and before such next en
no person shall be entitled to be registered: said/ c|missioners shall hold said meeting for one day and no morty"'
sjjpg election no missioners sh;
sLsJiall receive two dollars per day each for their services, ’Vaid out of the, dity treasury on allowance by the Bcar^of or and Aldermen.	.	*'	‘
:c. 8* Be it further enacted, That said commissiono/s shall all elections, and prior to any election shftll aauoint^t^

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(02)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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