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competent persons to aqt as clerks, and one competent person to act as peace*officer of said election ; that said commissioners, clerks and peace officers shall receive two dollars per day each fpr their services, to be paidUout of the City Treasury on allowance made by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That said clerks and peace officers, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, shall take an oath before some officer competent to administer oaths under the laws of this State, faithfully to perform their duties at such election according to law.
Sec, 10. B$ it further enacted, That immediately after the poll ' , - is closed the commissioners shall proceed tocoupt out the votes, <|Af -■ ascertain and declare the result and make written report thereof i the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, and certified by them to , ne true and correct ; the qualified person having the highest
•	number of votes cast for Alderman of the respective wards shall be declared elected as Alderman from each ward, and all officers :. elected ahall respectively receive a certificate of their election, signed by the commissioners ot such election' or a«rnajority of" them; the Mayor shall be commissioned by the G«£yernor, on presentation of such certificate to the Secretary, as Mayor and Judge of the Mayor’s Court of the City of Bay St. Louis; in case any t,w/ or niu\™ candidates for any one office shall receive ‘^jquai number of v^y^s, tha election shall be decided by lot, ilrly and publicly drawr\W commissioners of election with he aid of two or more res,.e&i(^ble freeholders of the city,'and a certificate ot election shall be glW) accordingly by said commissioners.	1.
.	it further enacted, ihu-t ar eacli election the
ballot-box, lock and key shall be delivered by --aid commissioners to the Secretary of the city for preservation, ana: i,e slia]l safely keep the same, and when required for the purpose ^ holding an electiou lie shall deliver the same to said comuiis&Uipvjrg.
Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That if said commissioLer8|‘or either of them, should fail or refuse to act, the ^Tayor ir.flv’ ^ any time before the day of election, make another appointim'u^, and if the Mayor should fail or refuse to appoiut, then tltj Aldermen or a majority thereof may at any time before. t|j( .polls are opened appoiut,other commissioners.
Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That no commissioner, clerk 4 -an election or peatfe officer shall be a candidate for any offid created by this act, at any election at which he may act as sud , all'votes cast at any electiou for any such person shall Ij egaland shall not be counted.	!
“"eg. 14; Be it further ‘pnaoted, That any person desiring £ ^st the election of any person returned as elected to fu1 .
(	ofRe^vjn gaid city under ihis act may do so in’the mode now «pr
^JL-’s Vided	for the trial of contests as to justices of the p<T a^
. 8eo. “15., Be it further enatted, That all places for reta|1(U
intoxicating liquors by the drink in said city shall be clo^Sd,. * and no intoxicating liquors permitted, to be sold, bartered'br-1 .< given away, or drunk at any store,, saloon, tavern, restaurant or place of business therein,"from twelve, o’clock of the preceding until twelve o’clock of the succeeding night, of any gepetal or special election.	,	...*
Sec. 16. He it further enacted, That the Mayor, Alderriirm' and other officers as herein provided for shall be elected et the same time by the qualified , vqters af said city, and such • election shall, be so conducted that each ward shall have a representative in said Board of Mayor and Alder-' t men, and not more than one; any person who is a qualified voter of sai$ city shall be eligible to any office of profit or trust 1 therein, except that no person shall be eligible to be elected to’ the office of Alderman who has not Deen a bona fide resident of* the ward to represent which he is elected for at least one month next.preceding his election; they shall each, before they enter upon the discharge of their respective duties, take the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of the State ; the ternfcof fcOolfice of such Mayor, Aldermen, Assessor and Collector of taxes, .Treasurer, Ma'rshal and Secretary shall commence on the first Saturday next following their election ; the present city ofliceH ' shall continue in office until the first Saturday after the first / Monday in April, 1886, and until their successors are elected •• and qualified.
■	-iSfit!, *17. Be it further enacted, That the registration cf th&
’ electors of said city under this act shall be made by the Secre-
•	tzty of tne qity ; the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall pro- * cure all necessary books for that purpose, and said Secretary shall make a poll-book from said registration books and the name of efach elector shall appear therein in alphabetical order, '.jtud said ppll-book shall be delivered by said Secretary to the commissioners of election in time for any election to be held un- •
' tier this.aot; after each* election said pqll-book shall be returned by ennynissioner* to said Secretary.
18; Be ii further enacted, That the Secretary Of the city /? shall regi$f#r on the* registration books^any one entitled to be /1 registered as au elector on lys appearing before him and taking / V and subscribing* the ' following oath or affirmation:" “I do-.'solemnly swear (dryiffiru))«that I am twenty-one years old; that [ I have resided in uhis State six months and in^the eity of Bay • ‘'St.tLouig one month, and-that I will faithfully support and , /obey the Constituti^i and laws of the United States and State 1 'of. Mississippi, and will bear true faith and allegiance to tb^ : 1 game, so help me-God;” such oath shall be printed at the top of', the. page of the registration book and subscription thereto as ,aforesaid shall be by t.he person writing .his name or mark in the proper column of said book- •'
Sec 10. Be it further enacted, That uo person who ha/ been'"
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BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(03)
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