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• H*
•convicted ot bribery, perjury, grand larceny or any felony, 1 ? shall be entitled to be registered, or if registered, hi^ name , -shall be,erased from tbe book of registration by sajrl Secretary; whene7er any person shall be convicted in any circuit court of
*	. ' any said crimes, or shall haye died or removed from said city, eaid Secretary shall thereupon erase the name of such person ■from the register and poll-book; that any false entry on the registration book made knowingly,#nd unauthorized erasure or alteration therein, shall be punished as provided for the alteration of any publi$ record kept in any public officc by the laws of this State.
^ Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That said Secretary, for, his P. services as registrar, shall receive a reasonable compensation, to be qllowed by the board of Mayor and Aldermen, not to exceed twenty dollars in any one year. **	‘V
Sec. 21. Be it f urther enacted, That in	case the MayoT, As-.
'V\ 1 sessor and Collector of taxes, Treasurer,	Marshal and-.Secre-
tary shall die or resign his offic^.«r remove beyond tbe limits. ^	!	-of said city, or in case any Alderman shall die or ’resign his
office, or remove beyond tha limits of the Ward to represent j	which he is elected, it shall be the duty of the Mayor and
Aldermen, or of the Aldermen, if the Mayor be absent, or has ^removed, to declare such office vacant; and whenever from any •cause a vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor, the Akler-' jnfen shall forthwith order an election to fill'•such vacancy, giv--iug the same notice as in case of other elections; .^.nd w henever*
■	'	from any cause a vacancy shall occur in;theoffice'of Aldermen,
^Assessor and Collector of Taxes,-Treasurer, Marshal and Secre-"	tary, the Mayor and Aldermen, or the Aldermen if the Mayor's
s	office be also vacant, shall forthwith order an election in the
' * V |	name manner to fill such vacancy; aud whenever a vacancy shall
V	occur^in any other office, the Mayor shall fill the office by ap-
gpointment, witl^ th* advice aud consent of the Aldermen, and .,*..<all persons elected or appointed to'fill a vacancy, • shall hold /	office for the unexpirecl term, and shall	in all cases • ti\ke all
^.s	voaths; execute all boml8,*'arul do all things	required by tbis'Tict''-'
/	"	or by ordinance of the holder of such office ; provided, that if
any such vacancy shall occur within one month before the tii ^	'
fixed by this act for the election of officers, no special electi* y . shall be ordered, to fill such v&caucy.
Sec. 22. Beit further enacted, That the board of Mayor and . f^v”	. Aldermen shall have power, by a recorded vote of three mem-	K
-	/	”}>ers, to try, and expel or remove from, office for malfeasance	\
V	'	or misconduct in office, misdemeanors or drunkenness, or for
'	:	ic	willful neglect of duty, the Mayor or any Alderman, or any of
{	the officers elected by the qualified voters of the city, or any
of the appointed or subordinate officers of said city, upon com-* j plaint being made to said board by any officer or resident of said .city; provided, that no such expulsion shall take place until
f'euch member or officer'shall h&vte had reasonable notice of such ^
| complaint, and shall have had an opportunity of bfcing hjfrd in*«y t defeu«e,‘iucj such board shall have the right to sufSWjif i\it-,
| nesses and examine such charges; said removal shaiWie made f \p{ resolution specifying the cause of removal as by tbe causes j. in the complaint expressed, and said resolution with the said com-: plaint annexed, shall be introduced at a meeting of the board, and laifl over for consideration’at the next ensuing regular meeting, at which time the officer whose removal is sought sball heard in his defense as aforesaid.	_
, Sec. 23. Be it ficrther enacted, That all resignations by any • officer, of said eitv, except when by the Mayor-, shall be addressed to the Mayor, and when by the Mayor to the Aldermen in ^ council; aud whenever the Mayor shall be absent from the city C* H or unable, or from any cause, fail to discharge the duties o^his ^•office, * whenever the said office shall be made vacant by de.ith ,‘t or otherwise, the Aldermen shall have power to appoint one of jf their uumber Mayor pro tem., who, until tl\e return'to duty of .. the Mayor in office, or in case of a vacancy, the election. »nd {£:■ qualification' of his successor, shall by such appointment be K vested with all the powersand rights, and .perform all the duties p and receive the compensation and perquisites belonging,to said I voffice during his incumbency.
tV Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, That said Mayor ftnd Alls*’*’ [>meu eject shall on the first Saturday succeeding their election, . ,pr as soon thereafter as possible, assemble and organize in poun-icil, and caus$ filed their oaths of office, and adopt such •ordinances from time to time as.may be necessary for their effi-* •cient organization and administratlojx of the affairs of the city ;
‘at that meeting,the Maj^or, by and with the advice .and consent A j-of the Aldermen, Shall appoin^such subordinate officers as 3aid board may deem jiecessury,' public welfare ; they sball ,
; have power and.itshall be theif* duty to require and take euch . sufficient baid pr bonds • from all such officers, prescribing by ' ordinance jne’penalties, forms,, and with such conditions us pay see proper, to secure the faithful discharge of their re* speclive duties^; provided, that the bonds of the Treasurer and '
/ tlie Collector or taxes shall be in the Same peualty and fixed iu ,
/ the same ipanper as now required by the laws of this'Staic hi j- relation to county treasurers and sheriffs* as ’tax-collectors of Sj -countif-Rj 6uch, bonds shall be payable to the board of Mayor t and Alderman of the city of Bay St. Louis, and said bands I when approved by the board .of Mayqr#ind Aldermen, together v with the o’ath of office, shall be filed in the office of the Secre-tary and b<\,by him recorded in the proper book ; said- 5 lay or fund Aldernion, or. any resident of sflid city, shall have authority 1 |to bring strtt on any such bond in any court of competent" ■jurisdiction ;*Juf any officer fails to give bond within thirty days ^fter bis election, his office shall, be deented vacant.	•	:	'
I v ;	A	'	>	■	•	•	•	•	-

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(04)
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