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318 SPAIN IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY, 1785-1794 in that country behind the Chickasaw villages, such as Perie Freger and some others. God have you in his holy keeping. Juan Delavillebeuvre^( Rubric") Fort or the Confederation, July 7,1794. Monsieur the Baron de Carondelet, governor general. Portell to Carondelet July 15, 179k SM No. 301 I enclose to Your Lordship the reply to the letter which I wrote to Major Doyle, commandant for the United States of the fort of ; Massac on the Ohio River. The militia officer who took my letter : informs me that it looks as though the fort is to be a square with four ' bastions. The two which face the Ohio River are entirely finished. 5 He saw no more artillery than that about which I have already informed Your Lordship. The garrison, as far as he saw at the hour of roll call, he believes consists of one hundred and ten men. ? including fifty militiamen who have come from Cumberland. Mr. Doyle told him that the garrison of the fort was to be two hundred and fifty men. He saw Montgomery there and two captains of his party, Maquil- * mori and Bert, who were at the mouth of the Cumberland last win- : ter. There were also some of the French who deserted from here, and Montgomery told him at the table that he was expecting to make ' me a visit this coming autumn. To this the officer replied that he would be received according to his merit, which it seems gave Mont- . gomery occasion to boast after the fashion of a raw recruit, but -Mr. Doyle prudently restrained him. When they departed, Montgomery went as far as the landing with the officer from here and, \ apologizing politely to him, requested him to present nie his com-pliments. God keep Your Lordship many years. New Madrid, July 15,1794. Tomas Portell (Rubric) Senor Baron de Carondelet. *?BL. PROBLEMS OF FRONTIER DEFENSE, 1792-1794 ELAVILLEBEUVRE , 1794 208 Lukefautah July 16th 1794 Sir: I arriv11 Late Last night to my home from Cumberland Agreable to my promis and at yr. Request I must Inform you that the mountain Leader with Seventeen Chickesaws is gone to Philadelphia, theay Satt of before I arrivd in Cumberland 2 Runners came with news abl. the Creeks Gen1.1. Robinson paid no Regard too, but Shortly after came an Express from the Chickesaws sent by Glover and the head King Desireing the mountain Leader and all the Chickesaws to return to tlieere land which was sent off to Philadelphia after them.? an Express arrive from Gen1.1. Wain whilst I was their Informing Gen1.1. Robinson that a Scouting party Detatchd from head Quarters had brought in 2 prisoners which gives an Account that four hundred British with artilery had joind 1500 Indians had joind them, others was Shortley Exspected to join; Wain Desireing Robinson to make it Known in his Department that on or abt. ye 15tb Sepr. he Started with his army from Fort Jefferson on the Ohio against the Northward Indians. Desireing the assistance of all the young men to Join as Volunteers at that Time, with horse and gun asureing them that they should be paid to their satisfaction Gen1.1. Robinson had just arrivd home from Knoxville where GooT. Blount was to treat with the Cherokees the Countrey People Raizd and would not Suffer the Peace to be made Destroy?d and Burnt the goods which was to be given the Indians the white People have Suffered so much in these parts that theay go in Small parties and Kill and Scalp them bring in their horses &c Contrary to orders and cannot be stopt the Governor Conveayd them off privatly by archey Coady to Charleston in order to go to Congress to treat for Protection Robinson has taken great Pains to make Peace but when he left Knoxville the people that had relations killed by the Cherokees were greatly Dissturbd 2 Days before I arriv?d in Cumberland the Creeks Scalpt a white woman She was alive when I came away A party of light horse went out Did not come up with them that did it. but came up with a hunting Camp Killd one Brought in ten horses Destroyd their skins Peltes &c?5 days ago as I came through the Chickesaws a Report was raizd that Creeks was seen at Halkey wolfs friend Raizd 60 warriors and went to the place it provd false Wolfs Friend told me theay must come and take hair before he put warriors out *?BI? (English).
Favre, Simon 一document-44