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. A OIIAKTEK OF THE if, V. I •** - ' "■■Sec. 25. Be it further enacted; That tliere shall be a regular meeting of the board of Mayor and Aldermen in each month, to be held on the first Saturday of the month ; a majority of said board shall constitute a quorum for business; the Mayor or any three Aldermen may call a special meeting of the board at any time, and any regular or special meeting may be adjourned t, V - ‘ from time to time by the board; said board of Mayor and Alder- V .1 J? men may delegate the supervision of the various affairs of the I; j-*.. city to committees of its own members and to its subordinate I ’' ' j ■' • officers with prescribed powers, but all public wofk and con- r . K i j tracts and material ' therefor, shall only be authorized by tliS board; and all deeds and contraots necessary to be madefy ’said city in waiting, excepting deeds of conveyance for prop&pty _ i, condemned for taxes, shall be authorized by resolutibn o/ said t . t \ boar^l, gigneu'-by the Mayor, attested by the Secretary, and be r?.sir- x ■■.under the seal of said city. . " / ■ ” ’•/>■» Seo.,2 6.. Be it further enacted, That the Aldermen to be elected b. .w\ hereafter, sball receivp two dollars for each regular meeting ac- '' *’ tuftlly attefided 'when present at roll-call, and shall be exempt from ftll inrv apvinpc* rliivin/* £i* . ---- t: Q4J>Mj££ CITY OF ST. LOUIS. y?>: ■»* V ■Jsp & m*' IJk / ?-u tXP „ ----— ______ J-. * UUI.UXI, (IIUI OllUU uu CABUijJb i ' y-frprv all jury service during thei* terms of office; in case any -; . Vr i ^Alderman shallvfail qr refuse to attend any regular meeting.of t)jA /■**• o --- ---1 1 -.i it i<‘ -W -------itiuou bu uiiy rtjguiar meeting.Oi the board, or as^eaijil meeting when he shall have notice Of the sam^,"he shall be fined by theMayor not less than two dollars for , each non-aitepdai)ce, but the fine so imposed may be remitted • by the Mayor" by'iind with the cqnsent of .the majority of the boardt the party fined not voting.; provided, that he shall have » good and valid excuse for his non-atteujlai;ce; provided* '{however, that the .sunt of all fines against any one Alderman "; ■•shall not exceed the sum of twenty-four dollars per annum, ; shall be deducted’front his allowance'before the same is paid.1 i,j Sjsg, 27. Bo it further enapt&l, 'that the? style,of tlie ordi-’^ •,1:^ nances of said city shall ^.be^ '“Be it ordained by the board of , Mayor and. Alderirien of the city .of ’Bay St. I-ionis.” aud all or- ,- .";i ■■■* diimnees adopted by said board of-Mayor, and Ald^otten, for the.. rt .Tyg11>.'government of said <;ity, or \yhiph are retired mpte» observed Huderpenalty, ahall^ tak6 pfljjct five days frprn*tl^ •fjublicJTtwh'jv thereof, unless Otherwise brdered-hy said board, and such pull}-,' ‘(''catidu shall be ma^le in tfuc1\ manner as said board shall by ordi-V*.; nance. prescribe ; said‘ordinances, rules and regulation^ adopted .by-said "boyd of 'Mayor and 'Aldermen, and all the records and proceedings of thtt iVfavnrls rmnrf clinll t>o «.>■! l.»Vl rsw>V «««*“• ami ;ju»crracn- may nave _a- code Of the ordi- ■ nances, rules and regulations printed and published, aud wben 80 printed and published,shall be.rciceived as evidenc^ in all the ^ courts of this Starte without further proof. ' r j. - • ’ Sec. 28. £e. it furthe.^ mqptjtpli, ■ That the said boaul of. Mayor i'v -and Aldermen shall by ordiH&noe prescribe and define the duties V.i'. ' f '"'and liabilities,-except as fitfed in this act, of the'Mayor,.Assessor r ‘ »'■ , v -;rv.■’ . [ and Colleotor, Treasurec,* Secretary and Marshal, and other sub j ordinate officers of the city,"a'nd shall enforce the due perfojrtn' ,anoe thereof, by appropriate fines, penalties and forfeitures; said subordinate «fficers shall hold their office for the time and" ;on the conditions prescribed by ordinance; they sball bv ordi-napce fix the compensation of the Major and all subordinate officers of the city, payable monthly out of the revenues of said city; together with perquisites of office,-and may change the « game (is they-may see fit ; provided, that the City Marshal shall fnot receive more than three hundred dollars per annum, nor tb$ Secretary more than two hundred and fifty dollars per nn-HUH.f<^(' Sc 1 ■*-* ,<v„ -j-i >-v j Sec.^29. Be it further enacted; That the Mayor of said city > Lshallbe.its executive officer, and shall have all the powers, and-perform all the duties usually incident tiiereto ; he shall have*$• '; . authority to call meetings of the board whenever he may deenv ' i ] it necassary for the public interest, and shall preside at all meet-i *; . ings of said board at which he shall be present, aud when there'* . > . shall be an equal division or a tie occurs in voting on any ques- ^'"*■ tlon, he shall give the casting vote; he shall see that all the laws and ordinances for the government of said city are /aith-fully and strictlv enforced and executed; he shall inspopt the rf* conduct of all subordinate officers aud see that their duties-are performed, and, shall report in writing to,the board all all-delirtqufencies on the part of such officers, and communicate such information and recommend such measures as he may deem ■■ beneficial to the health, security, good order and government of -' v the city ; J\e shall,have power to .fine any member of said board , not exceeding twenty dollars for improper or disorderly con- . °i '.duct at any meeting thereof; he.shall have power to veto or^'.'.:^, v " disapprove any ordinance, rul£ or order adopted by said alder- ‘ - • men whemver he may deem the same inconsistent with (his- ^'<j i act, or against the interests t)f tlie city, and' in such case such l-ordinance, rule or order, shall not go into effect qr be valid uut: Mess upon a question of.its adoption over the vetq it shall recsivo- ’ • Wnrn-'Tbtes of the !ts favor, to be recorded ou its \ V minutes ; each ordinance shall be submitted by the Secretary V\to'the Mayor for his approval or disapproval on the day follow- * \\ng its adqption by the' aldermen, and the Mayor, if he skall ypprove the same, shall sign it, approved by him, aud the (fc’Ji-jance shall ( become a law as it may pr.ovide; if he disapprove.^ Tie ordinance, he shall within . three days after the Secretary* jtall have delivered him,"return the same to the Secretary iitl) his disapproval and reasons therefor in writing, addressed" the board of Mayor and Aldermen ; if the Mayor shall faij’jj : return the ordinance to the Secretary Within the time afor&'f' (lid with his action thereon in writing, the ordinance shall be-•bmc a law according to its provisions without the action of thc-; flavor; the Secretary shall endorse op each ordinance the date ‘ '4 -.JV;-* :'V ."'-r-r.*' ;'/ ■’ : ’.r V* ;j- tr
BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(05)