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2*u*r: , t-m i ?tf*! i_*. * TOTTMV 1TO ..^ 4 7 ** FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AtJGUST 31, 1028 ^ OlF PYTHIAS MEEflNG >' V?,/ The-Knights of Pythias-will meet 4 :..^ITriday night j at .8 o?clock* in an im-[?i '^portant business ^meeting. The grand -it. ^.keeper .of records and seals, C. W-. g^Bailey,?"Meridian ; the gr?ind chancel- - j tftr commander* M. G. Dow.nins pt* ^vGreenwood; Judge Percy Bell, Green *'??f'.'-'fiville; '.and other prominent visiting ?;(V ^Knights will?be present.?* ;-r- I-?'. ?? -------, > Mrs. C. Jt. Fothergill has returned <;}o Bilpxi after a.visit i in Mobile with riends. ii ? BI,TNT> ,1^0LDIEIl NEAR t>OQR %y , Jnmes A. Cuevas, blind Confedem' Soldier, aft ' inmate rtf the Jefferson Davis* Soldiers -Horne for 1C years very critically ill at the Beauvoir IIos V: pitail,i without hope of recovery. Ills irome'*hns ? been in ?Hanccrck. and ^??risori counties. Hisrfathcr was the se.t-tier and owner ofi Cat Island. He?js xrgreatly- beloved at the?'Sqldicrs' Home. Mrs.? Helen M. Tartt, Assistant Sii-. perintondent of the j Jefferson Ditvis Soldiers? Home, motored to New^ Or leans Thursday and returned Thurs-? ,.dny night, - accompanied by her sister, ? ' ?* Mrk. John W. Blanks, and her school .S*, mate/ Mrs.* J. E. Nunnery, of Meri- * rdian. Mrp. Tartt says she found the .roads in faJr condition. The party de- - -parted from Gulfport nt 9:30 a.m. and reached New Orleans at 11 :.?>0 n.m. YACHT CELTA IN PORT | ? . r . I __Tbie beautiful'pleasure yacht Celio belonging to the .Gumb?ls of Ne\V Orleans is in the Biloxi harbor for o :8hort stay. Mr. .Gumbel was! in attendance a.t the-? tarpon rodeo at Pas? Christian, but inclement weather innde him come into port. The Celia is a frequent Biloxi visitor. Mr.' Gumbel and'party will spend the week-end at Pine Hills._Xn the party are:. Misses El ton Mackie, Kathryne Dyer, Ivkiia Peyronnin and Elmer- Lfvaudis. II'?h-rvi McCarthy, New Orleans.. Kenneth McMillan, Atlanta, Lester and Jo.^ Gumbci and Mrs. I. Gumbel. ' NEW C. OF C. MEMBERS 1 . The Chamber of Commerce, Biloxi Forward Movement closed t\vo| v. .'Jcs ago but quite a few new nleinbers /iav < been secured*since that time.: Those not already reported are: ;'Dunbar-Dukate Co., Watson Agency,' 1 Bilovr Building end'Loan1 Association.; W. M Sullivan, Meyer Eiseman, J. ! W Wynn. Godfrey Venus, Eagle Lumber Co., , West End Batter Service Sta lion. Eisendrath-Stauer-Warnor Co' Inc., Barber ?Lumber Co.. j Harry Laughlin, Frank. Joachim,. Mrs. Wm.-Cousans. C. W'.j* Morrison and Specialty Store. . \ ?. MRS. STANNUS* PARTY - . i - i t.' - DespUe^'Wea.ther conditions the mid- summer social activities continue and ^ ? informality was1 the keynote^ tint 1 ? characterized the delightful luncheon I? bridge party given at: New H<-tel Bi ]f/Ti Thursday with Mrs. Geo. Stan- ?' T?us, the affable hostess. In a nook in y the spabiofis dining room the taBle t;* ^vas artistically, arranged, red radi- ance roses ^forming the leenter piece. / The five-course luncliconj was perfee; ?n pvprr rlofiiil tvirh service unexcelled GYMNASIUM BIDS MONDAY Announcement was made today that the Biloxi City Commis^m hnd School Board would advertise for bids ,on th ? new Biloxi High .school- gymnasium,-Monday. The gymnasium first to be erected by a public high school on the ?Mississippi Coast, wilt be?constructed back .of the Central sqhool. ' fi;i. (he north side of Washington street.' where1 the , old baseketball courts ' formerly were located. The cost of the' naw structure will be approximately. J?!."*,- 000,-fnnds for which-were voted-in the recent school bond issi/e" f<M* 100.0'U>. It: will be burlt-of brick and fire-proof Civtrsl rucf ioti !tm! "will lin or>r> r\T 0 t rip wfic nee; Stui tory ey \ t lie of a pure J ue r.pori ly o on I AN( , Ai % ?
Cuevas 068