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bCfh!:Vlwy t0 theJMa7J,r»	also the time'of its return \o himfffenclers to stand committed .Until the payn>e6? of such
y°r’, a.n<i ,8jia11 la? before the board,of Mayor ftndfcnd costs; he shall causa allOrders, Judgraentsjind ®®“*f	J ' - •
81'. LOUIS
-	—	.-v.,u.w,,,UuaiivniB	uineoi its return to mmpttenuers	•	»ui,orders, iuugmeji»	■«-«~»w«.-rjtf' _	‘	■'’ ■
Y *>y the Mayor, and shall lay belbr'e tho board,of Mayor pndknd costs; ne sna • • . , • ither the City Marshal or any	^tb
^.Aldermen at their next meeting any vetoed ordinance with. jhe#aid court to -“®:	.	or by-the Sheriff or any Constable, ot tne-.. ' •*• ...••*? •
accompanying communication from the flayer; he, shaH havefpolice officer ol ® _ ivl may power to punish by fine not exceeding fifty dollars, oWmpVison-fcouut^of <HoncoCj ment not exceeding one^week, any person' or persons for anv im.Waid citv all proe ss
x------ ~j	iiLLy	onmprispn-fcoumy	01	x	"whiun	mu> u?.-
ment not exceeding one,week, any person'or persons for .any.imrfeaid city all pr witnesses er others, and cause the same 10
proper conduct in presenpe of or .for any disturbance-of said’tendanco pt par 1 r tb.c *offiCers aforesaid; may adimmstei
board; he is hereby authorize^’t’S-Celebrate the rites-of matri-jbe executed by a ' sarvbonds or recognizances in sums not, mony, to take and .certify underVthe seal of said city the prooffcJftths f\nd . 6iBinjreti ftn(l fifty*' dollars, with such sureties _ask and acknowledgement of deeds ^and other instrument^ of wriUrexceeding pne	ecegsary to insure the appearance of parties
ing, conveying or affecting any land or property situated in thie.|as b§ may dee	 _J
jStatfi. flllfth	/'*•	«-------1 -^-----1 J 1	^
;V»« -W*-
,______j.~0 _________uB ™ or property situated in tm& ** ™ay dee“ “^v^edon.such^-or recognizance ia
»..State, such proof or ..acknowledgment to be sufficient for, the Pi^--^J,t,lJes»e*s(,nra as in like cases before justices*aft ®L •
■♦‘.lawful registration of such deeds in the proper office; h« shall like-fcase'of forfeiture as in _	_	..... rsnr t
‘ wise have power to administer all oaths which a justice of the -peace in the county may lawfully administer, and shall bo*en-stitled to the same fees as justices of the peace for similar* seryi-' ces; fie shall, in the case'of; the temporary absence or inability . ;of the" Marshal or Secretary to fill his office, or if there be a ' \;vacanoyiu such office, have authority to appoint some one to act p* aa Marshal or Secretary during sucli^temporary absence, inabil-
. r itv Or Vfl.r*nrifMr or»^	*“ -11
M’jtiUC KJi ft/uvivyo'-------	68 D6I0re JUB)(lUt5B UA UlC IJCCfcVrft
[the proceeds of such forfeiture to be paid into the City Preaj
t	..	------ -r _„:;i	.	g	' ' ”	*	"	> - ^--------------
________t____ ^	(inai	liiwo	cjuio	....,..r
limits of said city ; and as to criminal offenses against the laws 1 <* ii i _____________________________________________________________________
>UV j'twwvx.w -- ---	©	H> UC paiU 111 L>v IUV	-	*	__
riiry for the use of said city; said Mayor shall, also be a conBer-r . fvator of the peace, and may hear and dispose of any , offense1 " committed against the criminal laws of this St^^, -within thp
- . r — -**7^	W w v 111J lip UipUltU^ Hi UBtJXlCJ tJ ) 11101 011
i?;:ity or. vacancy, and he shall in all casps have authority to ap-;*^ point police officers whenever he deems the same necessary, to - aervo .temporarily or until the meeting of said board, but not > ■ longer witligut the approval of the board. '
' ^ec. 30. -Be it further enacted, .That the Mayor shall for his services receive a salary of not more than three hundred dollars nor less than one hundred dollars per annum, and shall be pay-£v\:;	'1 !* ■'	=able monthly put of the city treasury by order^of the, board of
I'.v^:J'- Mayor and Aldermeft; and for all criminal mutters of which he j,” ' ‘f ~	/	^halt take cognizance under the criminal laws of this lState, he
• entitled to such fees as are allowed by law to justices of .the peace.	'	, • ,
•Sec. 31. Be it further enabled,'That' there shall be and is..
U1S-L _ -1 ?	•	t	«	*	-	‘	•	-
fof the State he may exercise an powers uuuiouni uj -v.^__________________________
[justices of the peace, and from his decisions in matters against, [the criminal laws o^Hhis State appeals may be had as in like !easea before justices of tlie peace; said Mayor sh%ll have power • ’to punish by fin£ not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprison- ,
J-—--------	olinll	crlliltV	of
i Misv
to punish by linfi not exceeding ntty aonars, or u' y juujJi lauii- , .ment not exceemng one day, any person who shall he guilty of' lany contempt of said court; that in all causes tried;before said.* fMayor, and /ounded upon breaches and violations of the laws. »and ordinances of said city wherein a final judgment or .‘sentence'/' {shall be rendered against the offender, the said Mayor^may ira-1 ^mediately aftpr judgment or any time withia twelve'months from the date ^f said judgment t)r sentence, at his election,: issue and ca\ise to be prosecuted writs of scire faoias or capias'cd-gatisfacietidum for taking the -goods “and chattel^ or body of tie \ oflender, returnable at such convenient' time, not less than teji , ’:er being issued, as he may in such writ require, or he-‘ rendering judgment order the offender to-sUnd commit-\:*-iprAi'nbefore provided till performance of such’jHdgment
^ ox. U jurmer enatted,'Tlmt’ there shall be and is. hereby^ and for said citv of Bay St. Louis an in4
,len°r court, to be kno;Yn as ‘/the 'Mayor’s court of the city of*' {may on rendering juagmeni on«r Ll‘c	1
Bay St.^Louis, to be held and presided over by the Mayor "of’ tetT fts hereinbefore provided till performaceofs J f •
a°’" ^.....’ ------	’	..............except Sundays), or sentence, and said Mayor may alIso, as oft“eM^y^e
eaiiire. and shall- ^ issue said writs until full satisfaction of the judgment and coats ..
—	t/u	mo imi(i ana presiaea over by tli(	.	^	_ tmfi stud
:, said qTty; said qpurt may be, held eviiy day (except Sundays), ^ or trentene , unt.j fujj .or as often as the interests of said city may require, and shall- issue said w	(	«	-	Rl,an	I>e-
' be a court of record, with all1 the power iupident to a court of is bad. .	,	tyr	enacted,	That any.person ,.	f.
record;, and for the promotion of order and tlie service and ex- Sec. 32.	fni.	tV>’A	violation of anv ordinances
ennf inn nP	~~'
-----r......V.X	aim	me	hbtvice ana ex- OKU Oi.	r	for	the	violation	of	any	ordinances
ecution of-processes said.court shall be attended by the City	convicted by sa'^	t0 an appeal to the circuit court-ui \ •.
Marshal; said Mayor shall have jUrisdictioti tp hear and deter- isaid city shall bo e , i j .yjfij security, to be approved by mine without a-iurv nil «1W,]	—"-e	------- • <*' 1	”	----",u,r1cr Vou ..	»	•..	.	o/.t	...s™	>*	s..-»
___j vut><4 ui««vjui louiubiuu uyi nett I 21>UU Cl 0 L6r
mine without a’jury all alleged violatioiis.of the ordinances of ' ’' ;said city, whether such also punishable as an offense : against the State or n,ot ; and , to fix’and adjudge the‘punishment of all persons by him found guilty of such violations of -city, ordinance? by.fine or imprisonment, or by both such fine and imprisonment witlvin the .limits fix^d by'the ordinances of -said city, and he shall h&ye the power to order and cause all
I said county, upon giving
h . . . ,	____V. I ^ i/s < < *•
rc<4iu VVMW^J ,	--- 0	^	~	^
|«iid Mayor, .payable to “the city of Bay St.____________________,
|ty of not exceeding two hundred dbllars, conditioned for the ^appearance of, the appellant at the next term of,the circuit . ,v [■court, ’	’’	-	*	in.lfiniPiit.	(is’said circuit'’
|court [operate
•> ■<$.

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(06)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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