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Bay St. Louis ? Wave/and ? Dlamondhead - Pass Christian
EDA Grant Wanted
(Special to The Tlme*-Plc?yune)	j
BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. ? A $290,000 ; Economic Development Administration grant to Hancock County is wanted by at least two county agencies, the board of supervisors found out I Monday.
The Port and Harbor Commission 1 wants to use it for improvements to, Stennis International Airport, a project Port Director Wilson Webre said would ?guarantee? at least two new industries for the county, with a work force ?of upwards of 100 people.?
And, Education Supt. Terrell Randolph also laid claim to the funds, out-. lining an extensive program of school; improvement he said should be the. county?s top priority.	j
The Port and Harbor Commission ; naa sougnt 5345,000 from EDA, for the air industrial park project, but the application was not approved.
1 Randolph, seeking funding for the schools from all possible sources, said the supervisors and the school board tare the only county agencies with authority to set priorities for use of the money.
He said he is asking for the entire amount of the grant to use with matching funds to construct a cafeteria and classrooms at Hancock North Central and restroom facilities for the gymnasium at Gulfview Elementary School at Lakeshore.
?We can take the $290,000 and stretch it to $500,000,? Randolph told the board. Supervisors later agreed to a meeting with Randolph and the school board to discuss the matter.
The supervisors, in other business Monday, accepted the $2,900 bid of 1 Bob?s Mobile Home Repairs of Ocean Springs for a trailer to be used as a , branch library, and agreed to contract i with Alarm Systems Inc. of Gulfport to ! install a security alarm system at the ;City-County Library. Alarm Systems.
? submitted a bid of $1,550.
Citizens voice objection to legion pier dumping
A group of Bay St. Louis residents, estimated at 25, met Monday morning with the local governing body to voice strong objection to dumping by Hancock County officials at the Legion
Legion Pier.*.
determine which applications should be filed, with one lady stated she was gla the marina application was not Bled. Carver said that was not the case,_ but since funds were not available, there was no need to file *e application Commissioner Luaen RiddJ?dded th same answer when he noted that the Federal Bureau of Outdoor Recreation does not have any funding available at
this time for the marina.
The group questioned the council as to who gave authorization to the Hancock County Board of Supervisors to dump at the pier? Kidd was asked directly if he gave Sam Pernioar? permission to dump ?riff-raft at the pier. Kidd said he had not. He was also asked if he gave Pernidaro permission to dump mud at the pier. Kidd answered once again he had not.
The question was raised as to who gave permission for the Board of Supervisors to dump at the P*er* e council said there might have been some agreement between the city
Parks and Playground Commission and
the county, but they(the council) were not aware of any agreement. It was also . t stated that the county had been Riven a
Pier.	f
City officials were quized by the citizens on a number of points concerning the dumping procedures at the pier. Following the lengthy question and answer period, the council voted to
(Continued from Page 1)
general permit to fill in various areas.
In returning to the marina question, the group quized the council as_ to the
cost of the project. It was noted the first
estimate, several years ago, was set at ( $1.2 million, but that the costs today ( would be much higher.
Finally, after a 45 minute discussion, Mayor Carver said he felt a motion to ; hault the dumping was in order. Commissioner Kidd made the motion, which was ammended by a suggestion from the group to include everyone, to cease the dumping at the pier. Following the passage, a lady asked City Attorney Jody Gex what steps would be neccessary to prevent the dumping, namely, would they have 0 get a court order or file suit. Gex said it went that far an injunction would have to be obtained. However, it was agreed that the Mayor was to notify those affected and see if the matter could not be settled without any futher
action.	?	. ,
In a final statement, Carver noted
that as far as this council was concerned, no action would be taken on the marina. They leave office at the end of this month.	-
ask all dumping practices at the pier be haulted at once.
Walter Odis, acting as group spokesman, posed the first series of questions concerning the possible ( change in zoning for the pier area. It was explained that the area had not been rezoned, but steps had been taken in the event the area was to be rezoned in the future. The steps consisted of approval by the council, following recommendation by the city?s zoning j board, and publication of the revised zoning ordinance. Any future changes to a different zone would require a public hearing at which objects would be heard.
All of the questions concerning the zoning of the pier area were raised in conjunction with the group?s objection to a proposed marina. A group of citizens met several years ago to voice their objections to the construction of the marina. Very little action, other than planning and design, has been started on the proposed project, but at the last meeting of the council, the members unanimously voted to ask Burk and Associates, who handle the engineering work for the city, to proceed with plans to file an application for funding the project.
Mayor Warren Carver explained that Burk and Associates had not filed for the EDA grant because there were not any funds available at the present time.
Carver said he had spoken with Charlie Hill of Burk and Associates and was told the application for the marina had not been made. The group later questioned if it was up to Hill to
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American Legion Pier 070
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