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Mayor shall make out a transcript of the proceedings and judgltors of the ordinances of said city with or 'without warrant and,. / ment in the came and deliver thesametoirniVifir wit)» fliQ ar.nanlti)lr0 tliAm hefnrA thR‘ Mn.vor ■fr»r trial, and should the Mayor's *
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ment in the came and deliver the .same together with the appea the clerk of^said circuit court, who shall docket thd -cause for trial at the next succeeding term of said circuit court,
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take them before the Mayor for jcourt not be' in sesssion persons so arrested may be held until [they can be brought before said Mayor, not exceeding twer.ty-*'
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a,* tuo jical succeeding term of said circuit courtjthey can &e brought before saul Mayor, not exceeding twerty-^ and all appeals from said city court to s%id circuit court shall bjfour hours, except that such persons may be held from Saturday^ subject to the same rules *of proceedings, trial and judgmei^until Monday; the Marshal and all-police officers of the city that are by law prescribed in the case of appeals froip ju3tice|sball hay£ all the authority conferred by law-upon any officer ;of thepeace; and in all cases in any court in which said cityito make arrests for violations of the criminal laws of this State imay be a party no appeal bond shall be required of said’city •order to obtain an appeal, bat the same shall be granted on ap-l plioation in writing, signed by the Mayor of said city and filed]
--with the papers in the cause.
71 n ‘ on —	*	-	--
$ Sec. 33. Be, it further enacted, That if any appellant shall fail to appear in the circuit court according to the condition of his bond, a forfeiture shall be entered and enforced as in criminal cases in said court, which forfeiture shall be foe the benefit oi
'-said city, and the proceeds shall be paid to.the proper authorities thereof.	• •
§ec. 34. fie it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of -the Mayor, on the first Monday in .each month, to make a return to the Secretary of the City, of all fines and penalties] which he shall-have assessed during the preceding month,*and *to pay so muJfo thereof as he shall have received to the Treasurer of the city, and if he shall fail to make such report or furnish such list, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to report qaid Mayor fo theJioard of Mayor and Aldermen* said Secre ,1) ---------------------------- - -.......................
ioc ui appeals irotp jU3tlces5oD“u nayp an me auuiorny cpniei «y	court	in	which said	citato make arrests for violations of th
1 be	required of	said*city	iiior to prevent such violations, and no officer	who	in	tbe	dis-
^ 11	’	^charge	of	his	duty	shall make an arrest authorized by this act
[or by any ordinance of said city, shall be liable	on	account
.thereof civilly or criminally, notwithstanding	it may	turn	out
|that the party arrested was innocent of any offense, nor sball. said city or said Mayor and Aldermen be in any way liable therefor.	,	.
Sec. 38. Be it further enacted, That if ajiy person shall re-sist, assault, strike or molest or in any manner interfere ^vilhthe'
.	______ v* -xh; w* «im ^j-iueuiieu # saia Deere-
tary shall make said report in writing, anjj said Mayor shall be pliable to the same penalties as other officers for like offenses. ; . Sec. 56. Be if further enacted, That for the performance of duties and services prescribed for the said Marshal, Constables and Sheriffs in this act; they shall respectively be. entitled.^to •demand and-receive suoh fees and* compensation as may be allowed by ordinance.- . - .	‘	\
■Sjjc, 36, Be it•f*'. iher- enacted, That the Marshal shall be the executive officsr of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the qity of-Baj»St. Lbuis; he shall have such authority and powers. ,witl;ip iiie corporate limits of said city as are now conferred an "Constables,• or which may; be. hereafter so conferred by the “(Taws of this State, and he shalL be liable to the. sajne penalties as-, constables foe all rleglect of duty, or for faildrO'to pay.over
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all process and obey all-orders issued by the'Mayoj* of eaid city; said City Marshal shall -iatfe general superintendence oj^the V police and of\the city prison and perform all duties which may ‘‘ be required ofhiin by said Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
Sbc, .37. Be it further enacted, That the City Marshal and all police.officers of said city shall have power to arrest, all viola-
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.Marshal or any police officer pf said city, while on duty as tuch 'police officer, or shall aid any person who has,been arrested by the Marshal or any policeman to escape, or who shall knowing-, > ly aid*any person who has violated any ordinance of said city to escape before arrest, such person shall be guilty of a misde-; • meanor and may be punished therefor as an offense against the .State of Mississippi, and upon conviction m$y be punished by ' rfine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or Hy imprisonpqentjn*'
Jthe county-jail not exceeding six niontlts,\gr by both suoh *
.fine and imprisonment:	1	-
.- S£C. 39. Be it further enacted, That said board of Mayor and Aldermen shall have power by ordinance to levy and collectfor'
’corporation purposes: first, a tax,not exceeding one per centum ■ ad valorem of all property, real4 personal and mixed, situated or belonging in/ said city, including the value of.^ll goods, wares and inercharidise, money loaned, on hand or on deposit, debts ', probably collectible, and bonds, certificates, warrants, soripand all,other forms of indebtedness or security; also,' second, to;>
|i)6vy and collect for corporation 'purposes a privilege tax upon ; fall b usiness, trades, employments, callings', occupations, per-s f sons,jthings and property in said city^ except insurance, bleep-1 3-ling car, telegraph and express companies upop -which^the Stt^te'-[■lof Mississippi does now or ehall hereafter4impose a privilege or '■
'Cliceuse tax, ngt to exceed, however,-fifty per centum of the t L'State privilege tax, and upon all others not hereinafter espe-.
,dally designated, of whatsoever character or description-as said • lioard shall.from time to time by,ordinance designate, whether1^	;
lljb IU C&lyVUU v/itv JVUli tio 111^, LHHllU iUUJT ILCICJ
;-lish regulations gov-erning their conduct,'and-.enforce the sam,^!:^ , |by proper penalties; said.board shallalso hilve"power, third)

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(07)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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