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page A p S x s \ SEC. 5 Be It further enacted* That the Board of M ( torn out-}—— Aldermen shall designate one public place for bold (torn out*-~-on for the officers of saftd city, or for an election ( torn out) ( torn out) y shall provide a ballot-teox in which the vote of (tom out)—ore shall be ( torn out) which box shall be secur(torn) feige 5 of the Charter) and strong lock; all elections shall be by ballot; the poll shall be opened at nine o'clock in the morning and kept open until six O'clock in t e evening,and the fanner of voting, receiving and counting the votes and the character of the ballots to be oast at any election shall conform in all respect* as near as possible to the requirements of sections 136 and 137 of the Revised code of 1080 of s-'id State; all elections ahak# be ordered'by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen for the time being, whether the sane being a regular election as herein provided for. or an election tp fill a vacancy, or a special election for any purpose whatever, and notice of all elections shall be given* Dig-ned by the rayor or Mayor pro ten., as the case may be,by publication In a newspaper published in said city If there be one, or by posters posted In not less than four public places In said city, or both, as mjt be ordered by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen for not less than ten days prior to said elec tion# SEC. £" Be it further enacted, That the Board of rsayor and Aldermen at their re<^ular neeting in I'arch next, and annually thereafter, shall appoint three oannlsslonors of election for said city* all of whom shall not b» of the sarse polltlaal party * BEFORE ACTING the said coranissloners shall take the oath of offl-» prescribed by section twenty-six,article twelve,of the constitution of the State, and file the sane inthe office of the Secretary of the city for
BSL City Charters Shieldborough incororated to Bay Saint Louis - Feb 8, 1838 (07)