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July 21, 1987
Mr. Marc Hammack
Department of Archives and History P. 0. Box 571
Jackson, Mississippi 39205-0571
RE:	Battle	of	Bay	St. Louis Historical Marker
Dear Mr. Hammack:
I am pleased to have received copies of correspondence recently concerning the approval of the marker commemorating the 1814 naval battle near Bay St. Louis. With this letter I am adding the city's official support and thanks for securing this marker. Please be assured of the city's intention to help out in any way possible to get it placed.
I've suggested to the Hancock County Historical Society an appropriate location for the marker at the head of Ulman Avenue.
The city is interested in approving the site in conjunction with a planned passive recreation park at that location.
If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.
VJF :ps
cc: Dr. Bill Bradford Mr. Charles Gray
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Battle of 1814 Marker
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Hancock County Historical Society
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