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• J* "‘01 T£1f2i** *
*1* Ai.^
10*0.. ‘<.11 r.-;n v/ uhet,e
Oi’L'. £ord unc. Al.c »!£© ‘ot Jia Co.^v' of :-'j
•c I. tr. j i. j Crw.i
o4 ti, of HiB4,i&:-ip,ii parties ••?£ the I'lr-i lor su-.i in 0—iC.iicratlai.
©X the scow of Uso hundred (C2QJ) aoliars; lawful iv us/ t>X Sj.e UnAteC
states, of Aaorioa ti? -is ir. .:w..:Cl b/ — J.Poitcvsnt of tho Cauati’ anc.
-	afir te .•.forofcaid i'trty t»£ the seoc.-d jsrfc t e roosts .hecieof is hereby
a.ciJa<-v;loCt;Lid .aw t,ive.. t,r-i<nd fcar&'ameu. and sold «att 4o -V thee
/.resist je fcivo gi-int bitr^tin eeil an* o^vov un*o vko said.x.-	oi t;.e
a-so-ni pirts’hie heirs and a£ss-<,v.s forev-.:-. t»-*r undevided une fifth
interest .r; thu zoll*K;iJit piecet, .< .reals lot; and in-<: ii. of ~-»i.d ,
i	liuita, lying and boxug in tl.o County of	and	»t;.te of l.i£«iesl}»pl
and kn^wn a..d desoi'ihod as foil..vs to-viti 1,0 'Jot. 14 and lw i;. s^.uti-e
"i** 1-	:.'os . 4S	ai.c 61 iii Uq ■ re "I" lot# i-.o.	74	..; sutre "K*	late
19* •	«8 and 1UU	ui.8«»iar-. "HP 10U.IO&, ±0S, 110.	11. 11&, -1.-,	114,
lots	110,124 and	Iflii in 3quarx X an: the whole	of	jquare Ho.4
lib,	12S and lit	in Sqvutre^pysii in	oi	Oai_.evv-i.o vlto f..e
half of tiifK^mbro3e ;jair.ea Clain)all in <sa\iaahi-- i.0.8 . nfcas, nalX of. ..ha iiou'wK^eLt ;^»rtoy or <mLa6h lfo. is a;.;. V.v .*e«./i»Ottth
•jX }t;-v0 HO* lo vies*	S^Cj	«.ovt~•
20 <uve ta hold ~Le above deeeriied and ..on:-tj eoirvo, -j4;-
ol- «ri iV. '.II -i ■ :.,!.t,ul_r tho ';er. dis.	r.d	api>i*rtc..u.	c-i. ti.-.-i*. vu w
bei. ;.t...iJv- up a£ a:v wise	ui»uo	p»	rt	*if t -o s«oor.d
rfk-. « hi. nelin and {.ss^-ns xosxYor. A.j.1 th<( 4>s.iw r,.- ties of tj»e first
9*s'» ~o bj , roteuts and dei'en^. titles 20 VUc ^>;jve
deioi-xbt-u. and ;,ci-eis/ ef»nve,,>u4 i-eiaitci- «^>>iost ill	oi.v.i:.,b .. ; r,c«-
ever u< ta s.-.e said ty oi! cae *eoa;.4 ~i.rt ni« nez s *ud *es.c:n* forever.
In vvi^iesi, *,-h«r«.uf hs.vs Ji«r< eot our u.adfe &iic ee*ii nhis the lOtK 4a,' of Deofaeor i.B. lfcV4.
Cruwrord iI.C.). hoi-
vlioo X Cra».Xai4 il.i.. J In prose.jje of	ui,,/,.
« • v * iiO	(si- *
i3ii; iif^SE vi’ i.X^i,I£;5IiVI .	1	JPor4.i>ii,4,iw c ...0 .*,iu ^..®„j-e4	«ci«re
i’i.C.Cii	OC’ITjT	)	uiiCUtrti,: ©0. cieri of u.e C<-rc	Court
of HanooeA Oo-' ty v.e 7iiu.11.	„*B.
GrKwroru	;.nu i»o*n	.«ie4^e^ »u>	he,,eu tcvitiC. -;u;a s©ilva
.ud iore,;»is*j tioed l:ie owd act r.nd »ee4 for the -.sec rj;d *)Urjotcs Ui«r«i« - «5tprss.tcd. Also sn ««' Alioe 'Crf*x -. -d vujc u£ ti.e s.--a ii-.E. Cruwford fcfto' 0.. ;	Mt* te x-kUavio;»	... 4 upatt f:-o« ;.«>•	t«io.
nosctrid. aoiaioui'.o^- q	the	ae.	ca	#*■<*	a..iiv^r«4	1	e s, e
•»£ voiunt*ry -ot. 4eo4	an^ fs«r s.	.;»•	eou^s*is»lon
:'ra...	:.-■ ^.tid h-^tUi.d £cr tro vi.os ,.d yaivoseu ihe^-ii. iet it.
(X>.S. . Oiven 'andot> ^ea/jr.bii;- A.\. It74.
jjj.:j4 or
vi- lu the* i\)t
v., oisiv
l«-** C

Gainesville Giardino Report Crawford-deed
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Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved