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IS^SS s© smi§ ©IB^SF® 2d®S)®Ilo O^icer# and *j$/bem$erdt) at 50 cent# eac^t -^epieeo Con^ei'red, at $t eacJl,	--	--
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W. M. S. w. J. w. T.
Sec’y. S. D. J. D. S. & T.
Sfde repafar Communications aie	at	________________
on t/te-_______________________ dzif tn eac^ mont/i, and on t^e annwer varied
t£e iSfamtd ^o^n.
3	tfte	a&oive	'&\$etwini	to	6-e	collect,
attest :
Q^“ No charge for dues to the Grand Lodge should be made^or those who have demitted or died, or those who have been suspended or expelled during the year for which the return is made; but those who have been admitted, whether raised in the Lodge, or in some other Lodge, as well as those reinstated, should be placed in the list of members and charged as such. Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are not members. Under the head of “Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts who have been before reported,” the names of those who have been rejected for the higher degrees, need not be again returned except as rejected. No officer can demit daring his term of office. ' Those who have been Raised will be considered members unless placed with the demitted or otherwise noted. The old officers should certify the returns. The returns to bo made ' up to the 27th December.	.	"
n	**	-•	S.
Lodges under Dispensation have no members excepting those mentioned in the Dispensation.

Masons Document (036)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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