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r,H Mr. Witkmmn rowed,and wa* wcnn<M, toam^nH tb* ihkiIi «*> ion, h> Kinking out tin* wurd 'tkall.' m the f*ntt Inn*. '«* dw v»d of »r<wid hue. nrfri irwrt in lieu !ln-»t*nf ilt***1 word*- ‘and fire vw» lht»rt*>«her, (uit>|iiy>v !**•«•»«*, il dwiwd ••*i**dtotit, rtm oibrr ftf>h rrar. iJw «-onw» i»ken ti»diT lb* au-tJxHilf of I tiiU*d Sun*.') And il»e tbrmui beiflg takeo. it «•» d*t«- mint'd in d* Dt-gaiur Mr Harfw* mured, ami wa« aeronded. toam^d the ?1.'i mx-ixh) K» aildini' lie«M>vn tbr* »<ud 'intahiiuifi,' in l(i*- *d line, 4ml the w«ud tn in 'lie lonrtb line 'hcec wn*d«: ‘and die Amount i»f Hlur taxt-a iWMtil 'he preredifif sor * Mr. Ix'*k*>a»>v<jd, ***d wt« teroaded. tbar ihecon-iwtMi do adjourn. - lhe<^^|a<wr tbcrsMi beiftf uka*, i< deier-imnffl M) 'hesefaiire. On lon’mii iif Mr and aononded. I he con- irn:ton ndjooraed till 6 oVIocfc io-fnom>w WCBTTPaPAT. AVtVIT C. Ittf. Tb* ronrMition mrt |Mn:iafii to adjournment. Mr Poindexter otfwed for adoption 'he fiiftarisf b> a new «ecl»*n to to rwrml under the thin! aritrle, “Section the ^wwl n«n*-inM* «h»ll at ihcif fint «e*awwi «|>fx>int n'nmiwitonef* whoae duly it abaflbe to tit on • pbcc a* near tbe centre of ihr T mm M tr •tolPM 0**y be, taking into rnnaideraitnn the praarni pripilation and i*k |>i.> .»!,!.• <-vt.i 4t.«J«iii<-i,t . i Indian til)*’, wbirli afcall lw <•»,»}.I «fn^l lit |,m *» ||„ 0f frim-rniitfn' for iIi.p >tai«- for tl e («-<>.^i d' m< toani tbci^f ff'*—«hirli »«. i<rilt-n<d to in <.n it* mbit. On motion of Mr i'oindf-XK?— Prsnlrrj. That th*- rm.ti nlx.n do r«-nnn* the nn- firtrsh-ij biiaine* of )<tnrt«f.n .»„■ nimi«liiHtn pio- pn»crf m liw 7th •ffiiofl hi M». ILinm (>*-11141 nnder ccni!<trrat>on And the qiMailoa therron J>«ng «ak« », it Maadcctr* miiH'd 10 I he o«*gati>T. Ti»o f«j and nava being rall«<d for I.) fwonirmbra pr*T»ni, Tb-«(> wbo voted in Um artirrnaitvn tr« Mr. PreudMt, Mown> Barim. UMrnei (nf Cbi-kort»-) Dnndo«, Ckrke, Downa, t.hw. J<ihn«on. LM«f, Mead, fUnkm, Siaipauii, Scapiuan, Sr.itl, Tayb.f. Tuto«r, Wilhma^lR Tnon who voted 10 ihr Msatm- are, Mcmr* Bairhelor, Burton. Burnt-i («* Uawock) BiUw, Oickaeo. -nr, Hanna, Jonrdun, Kn«.», Rinj?, Ijmirmkv. IIii.ioq. M'l^ufh('n,M*Ka),M'tUa, M'Nabh, Panoc. PoiiMirmr', KunarN. Tor* r«no«» Wdliaina, ^Vilkiosun, Went— ^5. Mr. Mead owvcdf and Mcoudixi, to rr^nximit to « m-iixi cotnm;ltn> tbf 7ib wrtMw. «>f lit. third am-«>n the fuller* ot fki ftam l.iw And b>-'{ueHtion thereoa tMt»g Uieu, muied m the o«g»tno.
Mississippi General Document (008)