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it was my first visit to Gainsville. I saw nothing of any importance, but went up to get old Mrs Gallender installed she is now post mistres. we have a post office on one comer of the place, it is a great convinience for us. Col Claiborne and my self are the only persons that have letters on this side of Perlington. no one else corresponds. I was supprised to see my name in the papers a week or two since. I see I have the honor of being in one of the deligates to the state convention to elect officials for the state. I consequently feel about two feet higher than I was a month ago, and feel as if I was of great importance. Pa is [on the bed] as usual, he has been fishing very near every day since he came down, and was quite successfull a day or two. he will start up bout the first of June. Andrew is reading. they have been quite fortunate we have had but few moschitos since they came, it has been cool enough to have fire ever since they came down, that is in the morning, all are well here. Give my love to all. And kiss Sassy and Annie I guess they have forgoten me. And accept more love than language can express from your affectionate brother Sami Jackson P.S. Excuse of us please haste and my old [illeg] spelling. ALS; Private. Scott Ward.
Jackson Letters 008