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the city. In November I vent to board In town for a re?"' months and rama visiter] James, who had come back to Nev Orleans to live,	then vent to
see her brother, Judge V-:illi am Ki bbe, at- A bbe v ?lie, v:h e re Aunt. Frances .joined her. The three h?d not been together since ill 1am was boy in Tuscup?bia.
I was glad to rret back to my quiet country bop?e, ?nd on the 12th of -Tune, 1#75, my boy was Fiven to me. 1 was very ill and ?i,r life v.^-s ^esnai? red of, when Mr. Buckley sent bin friend, Dr. ? ?ill i an- I?. -a tk: ns, to see ,T,e. Me sooh had me on a fair way toward recovery, ?n^ hi 5 /-'ife and bo^^came over for a monjfcrh.	She did not live rr,ahy ,T?nrs, roin" like nli her forv>il'v with consumption, leaving one child, T.d i th. Two	"fter, niy f^r^t little rirl
came. She was very s'vall out a. healthv child, whilst, '/'?.vird had boa*?' a large, fat baby and h'-?d been ill ??v'\?:?l ti,rf?s. In T ?-rj p the fperful vel-low Fever erldennc. Ther? ?',r,.s cuite n en':,' ^r ,c nt 1S5:.i ssi ^ni C-itv, ^3 "ou as Biloxi, etc. \e ??ad ??itb n? C. J . and I'.hod a ni rA e.	?.a rah wa^ -way in
Vi rr in is. T?r. Few? or vas very ill A n *Tew f r leans and T could rot gat to hi*". The physician had v-jp uvv un ^nd the nurse fr-\11 aslaeo, a~lowinr 1bo sheet that screened the bed from t^a ] .?~?r to tak * f i r :>, "h-> sudden burst of flame-around ?r. Fowler, and react ion set ip and Vu-. v?as saved. ??hat would have killed another saved his life.. After* the reVer he ^ad an av,ful carbuncle between his shoulders and suffered for vree'??*?;>, 30 ?*t ^as the rirr.t of November before he came home.
Ned was the only one who ^ad the faver and was very ill; but vTe succeeded in getting a nurse f roi" the Howard Assoc iat ;on, and by the 1st of Move,v>ber he was learning to walk again.
Christmas week of this vear rVr?a took Mo/i tp to'-?n ??if.h H-in one cold night, and as the little fellow ?-'ent to sleer, his ^a^a toni' orf his overcoat to cover hi_m. ^ana. took a sever co^d and i-^e next ^ay ervsi nvlus sftt in, and aga i n he was very ill. A hor'eo rathi c divqinifin	f^rst.	c^lle"1 and?^p r^ve
him no nourishment. The third day Ja^es wept ? to ~ea	an d realising Ms
desperate condition, took Dr. Richardson to 0 ee him. Dr'. Pichardoon raid it was next to impossible to s^ve hi*n hut he'would t.ry his utmost. He succeeded. Mr. Fowler whs a. month recovering; rnd when well (,iinu(Tli to be moved, Lir/.zie ?had him brought over the river where t.v?ev ?.r? 1 living on a rice farm. She ?-was very kind and made him/ as comfortable as was possible irvier t^e cm'cusp-stances.
Mr. Fowler was then agent for Oincinatti r-icke'-s wi. th Cant,, ^urdeau and was doinr; bmg business. He snent. somethin*- like a thousand dollar's rena.irinr and painting the house, and fencing and clear:5nr th^ vo^k-lot back of the house, and planting orange trees and scim^rnonf' cranes.	T?^e	rl.nce	in beautiful
order and we were v-:ry hano^ in our home. I had a long i lines:' in November ?79, lasting until February ?-^O, v/hen T wntakpn to the c!tir for trent,T,ent.
I was so glad to be well a<ra i n nnd ,01- hon-e ? . ?'??rn r?,ade a rrreat net of thp boy, and the little rn rl, too, but slent- with ^pr nnd vg? her constant companion] Nanaf s health h'ni never been very rood and she suffered from a delicate stomach. On the 6th ^f J^nu.arv, lc'.c'l, \;p Vr:d thp first snov'st-orm we ever saw there. It heo?.an Saturday evepi n?-, and \yr n'orn,inrf all th'*' earth was white and the cedars b?nt to t h? ground ?-nt1- the weir^t of snovr. uov,
Papa and the boy^ed the nla.v !	:3.ut mv little	ri rl	T,fa s tier?d	of the cold.
It was bright and clear and beau t i f ul to see, hut	killed n11	our	jrr> urr* orange
trees. Dear old Bishop Creen was nakin^ hi^ visit to the coast and v*as nut off at VVatfeland, a mile frorl any Kouse, and v\ad to '/al1^ un and dovn the platform whilst the station "vaster vent Tor so^p e^nvnya^c0	ror	Then he was
taken to a house where the lady via ~ i'll, ^v.A ooor comforts -^pd less fires. Wednesday he came on to ^ i.ssi ssi rmj City, and v:a m?d.r. u j yn ve ry comfortable .for as long as he mu.Id stay. It v1" the .1 sr-?t, time J saw. hi.n.
About the 20th of Anril, ?-Ta ?-rent down to ?'????s. navis? one evening, and not feel.ine wel.i , came home e*'rlv. After n lit ?'.'hile she t.old me she had spit up a little blood. I wanted to send fo^ t-h? doctor, but she daid wai.t a while, and went early to bad, t left mv ,!onr o^en to hear hor she s roke, and about eleven o?clock vfas aroused	by	her thro^in^	u.e in ?n emrty t^n
vessel. As soon as I could make a lirht	I s~v that, it	w^>s blood	all over her
and the pi Howl Such an a<-ony as that moment brought me cannot yet be i?e-called without emotion. The naof nw.torivty had p? v-'ithin their rrasn.
As soon as possible, Ned. was awakened and the servants aroused. Doctors were brought, and f-'rs. Davis took us both in charge. Anaal	bo^n	on Friday
morning, April 22, l^^l.	?'a'-?.a/ h ad her'-nora^e after henm-ora^e and lived un-
til just as the sun wa5 setting a bright, beautiful 3a?>b~t,h day, Pay 1st.
She knew from the first her days ^ere numbered , p.n^ only wanted ice to ease the thirst and oain about her* heart. lTer suffprin? was rreat. but borne as she had all things -- stoical .fortitude. ti-i^ last day but one, Dr.
Harry took me in his arms and carried	me	to her bed.	^he kissed	^e on the
chfeek and said not to grieve for her,	as	bbe had ?"inre	loved ones	waiting for

Martin, Dorothea Recollections-of-Family-History-part7
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