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ijJay g?t. \A carries in stock a full line of fine wines aod liquors. His business is one of the largest in the city and being in a portion of the town apart from most of the other stores he controls a section of the territory, almost exclusively. This store of which our artist has taken a picture of the interior is ODe of the best arranged and most spacious edifices in Bay St Louis. The portion of the building which Mr. Gex occupies as bis store, cover? over four thousand square feet This store is finished in hard oil in the natural color of the wood: as regards sides and ceiling and the counters are finished in alternate strips of black walnut and white wood. In the fall of the year a person visiting Mr. Gex?s store, will be surprised to see the great piles of fish stacked up almost to the ceiling The reason of this, is that he is the shipper of all the fish which leaves Bay St. Louts for the city and many tons of the different varieties of the finny denizens of the deep are sent away annually. Mr. Gex runs the largest bakery in town, in connection with his grocery. No matter bow well equipped an excursion party may start out, there are always many things needed which in the hurry o( packing have either Interior of the Drug 5tore of Thos. L. Flvan.s been forgotten entirely or left, behind throujh accident. This was the case with the ladies of our party and we hid not been long in Bay St. Louis }&0i when some of them thought of many things which they wanted: so while the ' getllemen visited some of the merchants of the town they at once started out on a shopping tour. The bright signs and newly painted store of Mr. Joseph F. Cazeneuve M'on caught their eyes and upon entering his place they found that they were in one of the beat strictly dry goods and clothing stores in the town. The appearance of the place being greatly in its favor and the stock of goods carried by Mr. Cazeneuve being far above that usually carried by houses in ; ities of this size, it did not take long to make their selections and continue on their shopping tour. Mr. Cazeneuve has on sale almost everything in 'he line of dry goods, notions, etc.. the thousand and one things dear to the hearts of the gentler sex. Mr. Cazeneuve has but recently embarked in bus-nees at the Bay, his store being located in the Planchet building known as the Oak Cottage store on front street near Union. The business was estab- i : !s ? iinim imii lished by Mr. G. Planchet, and as the present proprietor takes up the business where he left off. Mr. Cazeneuve is already meeting with great success. A fine glass of sodr. is one of the delights of the feminine heart and when one of the ladies of the party announced after our return to the hotel that she had discovered a place where these delicious liquid confections were dispensed, a? she said, ??as nice as they are at May?s, in Kew Orleans or Huy-ler?s in New York.? The announcement was greeted with enthusiasm by all of the ladies and it was at once voted to go and try some. The place visited proved to be the Star Drug Store owned by Mr. Thomas L. Evans, a gentleman well-known to Several of ______ _ _____ ________ the male members of our party.- Mr. Evan?s Store is located on the corner 5tore of Joseph F. Cazeneuve, Dealer in Dry Goods and Clothing, of Union and Front streets and is as prettily and neatly furnished as are most of the better class of dr stores in large cities. Mr. Evans takes a special interest in his soda and confectionery trade and h fountain is one of the finest made. The building was erected by Mr. Planchet and has been occupied 1 Mr. Evans for some five years or more. Previous to this time be conducted a drug store for fifteen yea in New Orleans and is especially well fitted for the vocation he has chosen. He is a graduate of the Tula College of Pharmacy in New Orleaus, having passed the final examinations with great credit. In adi tion to his drug, soda and confectionery branches. Mr. Evans also carries a full line of fancy and toilet ar cles and preparations, physicians Instruments, optical goods and fishing tackle. He is also the owner Evans Sarsaparilla, Evans? Liver Regulator and Evans' Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. A fine interior view of Mr. Evan?s store is shown here, from which a good idea of the place may 1 obtained. During the first afternoon of our visit several of our party made the acquaintance of Mr L. Spor-torno, a dealer iu general merchandise: whose place of business is located at the lower bay on Front street opposite Main. Mr. Spoitorno is a perfect mine of information regarding the past and present history of ??the Bay.? Knowing of many of its most prominent events. It may be said here in this con-n e c t i o n that Mr. Store of L. Sp??rtorno.
Planchet, George 008