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cT' ?THE SEA COAST ECHO' $ ? ? ? HLLIOft! CHANGED RFIELD I L/it '$ WHY2 TATE il as our honest hat the tobaccos used iu ?field cigarettes are of udily and lienee of belter ? ?? >ri any olhercigaretie price. LitGETr & Mveiis Tguacco (Jo. Send Greeting, to Mayor of? ?WORK-TOGETHER? Chicago. The following telegram, which was sent Mayor ?Bill? Thompson, of Chicago, Tuesday night, is self-explanatory, and shows good spirit: Bay St. Louis, Miss., March 20, 1928. To Mayor Thompson, Chicago, Ills. In sending our Varsity team of basketball players from St. Stanislaus College to the annual Catholic National tournament, held at Loyola University in your city, we do so with every assurance of welcome and fair play which has characterized the visit o? our team every consecutive year, and so doing we feel that this delegation from Bay St. Louis representing in a measure the Mississippi Gulf Coast, that section contiguous to New Orleans, further cements and binds the good feeling of friendship existing between this secti9n and the City i of Chicago. ' (Signed) i ARTHUR J. O?KEEFE, / Mayor of New Orleans. CHAS. TRAUB, SR., Mayor Bav St. Louis, Miss. E T. HERLIHY, Mayor of Waveland, Miss. JAMES'H. SPENCE, Mayor Pass Christian, Miss. J. W. MILNER, Mayor Gulfport, Miss. FREE, WHITE, 103? Sarnlv McCracken, NOTH K TO COXTIIACTOKS. .N..i i?-.- is hereby nivcn t li.-it the City of K.i v St. I.miis will* receive bids for tilt1 con-<! i 11 ? ? t i < i ] i . 11111 erection of :i fire engine 11? ? i!* Mini iranice, ii11 t" 10 o dock ii til. April 11 It li, P.IJS. Saiil firi' online housr mid xnriiKc to be const I'llcl oil ill acco |-(|;l lll'e with plllnN and -p.M ions oil filo in til,, office of the Public ft ility ('oiiniiissinner. I'.iiN must In- filed with l lie Public I' 111 -ity *?iiimnissiuner iu his offieo before It) oYliirk a.111. April lt'ith. at which time I.ills will lie opened. All l.iils must be acconi p;i n led with II ei-rt it'ii-d or eashior's check oil 11 loeul Imnk | in .III ;inoinnI ei|inil to ten tier cent of the linn.lint II ft he Idd. The successful bidder I., tniiiish bond in the full :miount of Ilia bid for the t :i i t h f 111 perforninnee of his ? '??lit met as provided for by ln\v. The Hoard ; reserves the rlKlil to reject iinv iind All ! I.ids SVhVAX .T. I.AIINKK, I'uli. Utility Commissioner. NOTICK TO ItlDllKltS. Nut ii-e is hereby Kiven that. the City of I?.ay St. 111.11is will sell fur cash to the hi^h- ? ?s! ind lust tiiilder ;it public outcry the fidbiwm^ deseribed reaI estate situated In lli'- Town uf W :t vein nil. Ilimcoek County, Mississippi, a nd more fully described as fullitws: Lot n 11ii11>i'r 17 of tlie Subdivision . ,.r I,t ,.iim 1 ..-r -VJ. Mini I.nt 10 of Hlock iiiitubi-r I ? <.1111..-1 h Subdivision ..f pint '? I.'d 11 i 11111 m - r in.-,, all of the Second Ward, j Town ?>!' \\':ivt'l:ind, s;i id Ciiimly and State. 1 ()3- I Tin' sale to take place iu front of flic , t I I11 within Ii ? vr: i J hours at 11 o'clock ? ? ' i ? i SPIRIT WILL BUILD BAY SAINTLOU Local Citizen Discusses t Factors That Make Towns Grow. ?Bay St. Louis will grow or backward proportionately to the sj of co-operation evidenced by the ] pie who live here? declared one our citizens recently. ?No town,' continued, ?can stand still. It ei improves or retrogrades. A tow just like an individual, or a busii There is no half way ground.? The remarks were overheard ing a recent conversation, and t narily would have found no plac the columns of any newspaper. I ever, the ideas advanced were worth while, it was decided to them on to the readers of this r paper with the hope that they v profit by them. If there is an who reads this article and finds eslf guilty of furnishing a stum block in the path of Bay St. I progress, it is hoped that he w sufficiently patriotic to his town to get busy and remove th stacle or else resolve not to be i of the same error in the future. The speaker spoke of some c cities with whom lots of folks are familiar with. He told c much talked of spirit of this to that town, and how by the ?beli your own town? spirit cities sprung from what in former represented hardly more than : place in the road. ?You can call it the spirit of ever town you please, but it is ing more nor less than co-ope It is the ability to lay aside jealousies for the good of the community, to move as one v means that the town in which 1 is to be benefitted by so doing just that kind of spirit which towns out of villages, and cit of towns.? The speaker continued by j out that a town grows withir and by so doing attracts outsic by its thrifit in the way of n ijzens, new industries and ne nesses. ?You owe it to Sn Jones or any other business Bay St. Louis to make his grow, just as much almost owe it to yourself to make y business prosper. ?Through the .prosperity business every other business in Bay St. Louis has a bettc * ? ?? ? ? ? i.. .ti.iv It means t
Traub, Capt Charles 008