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Isf/sr /c^c *?/ W. W. Stockstill Attorney at Law NOTARY PUOLlC Bay St. Louis, Mississippi June 5, 1936 Mrs. I-I. A. Thompson 2616 Robert St. New Orleans, La. Dear Madam: ? In accoi?dance with your request X have examined the title to a lot known and :designated as the J. Dunn lot and Lot 17, both in Block 3 of the Anna Ifenry Subdivision, as per plat thereof , recordedtin Boole C-3, page 213 of the Hancock County Deed Records, which lots are now Mrs. R. G. Hubbard Sr., and ^eg to submit the following report of my investigation: ! The J. Dunn lot is on the north west corner of Nicholson Avenue and Jeff Davis Avenue, and Lot 17 in Block 3 of said sub division joins it in the rear, and I assume that these are the two lots you contemplate purchasing from Mrs. Hubbard. The land is a part of what is known as the V/idow Morin Claim, a Spanish Grant, which was confirmed unto the said claimant by an Act of Congress after the United States Government acquired the territory in which the land is situated. A certified copy of the patent dated in the year 1852 from the United States Government to the V/idow lvlorin is recorded in Boo& E-9, pages 196-197, of the deed records of this county. That part of said claim in which the above lots are situated by a long chaimof title finally reached J. H. Nicholson, who died leaving it by will,to his wife, Mrs. Emma V/. Nicholson, who afterward married A,;^A. Ulman and was thereafter known as Mrs. Emma W. or Mrs. E. W. Ulman. ?' The lot known as the J. Dunn lot \vas conveyed by Mrs. Emma W. Ulman to James H. Dujin by two deeds, the first dated July 19, 1889, and recorded in Book N, pages 258-259 of the deed . records, the second dated September 25, 1895, and recorded in Book S, pages 112-113 of said records. Eaoh of these deeds conveyed a lot having a front of 100 feet on Nicholson Avenue, but in the plats hereinafter mentioned the J. Dunn lot is bhown as having a front of 199 feet on Nloholson Avenue by a depth of 250 feet.
Ulman 010