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Nov Orlaana, L?? TOLLS B Jana 1982
Mr* Hcr?a* lingata
Dmt Oouals Horaca:-
Z put	together	tba	anelosad	ayuopaia	fra* 4 aanuaaript as our lia-
gata family hiatory vhioh	?a?	eoopilad	by a Vr(	Fatar 0. Sandluad of Arling-
ton, ya? j ha ia aarriod to * cousin of our*, tha toramr Inna Yarino, of Uoa> ro?, La* Sha in a daaaaadant of Siary llizabath lingata, daoghtar of laltar Yingataj Mary llixabath narriad Oabrial Bradford* Z raoairod Ur* Sandluad?a aooount aarliar thia yaar; Z got in oontaat vith hia by a rathar eirsultoua rout* vhioh Z will not bog joa Aova vith* flu graat braakthrough van tha aa-tabliahlng of tba paraataga of Ifcltar lingata* ? dsad of gift baa ban fouad which eoafixm tfclat it ia Xdvard Viagata, Jr**a daad inrolTing alavaa only to all hia ehlldnm	vith tha	axoaption of	bla aldaat son Sdvardj tha yaar vaa 1778*
Hia will of 1789	vaa loat	and	oaly vaa	raaordad	vith aantioa of hia vifa, Sarah,
ao va vara navar abla ta aatabliab daflaita oonaaotioa batva? Idvard, Jr* and subaaquant Wiagatoa* ttuara i? doewaaatatioa to aapport all data ia ay aynop* 1b.
Kr* 3aadlmd*a aoaouat roaa to aera thorn 40 paga% donbl*-apaaad tjpa-vrittea, and addaoda ineluding lattaxa, atpa, and aopiaa of original aonraaa* Z ba-va gatharad aatarial on tba Blounta ainaa reaalring Mr. Sandland'a infozBatlaa: our Blomt lina trasaa baok through tha Flantaganata and otbarviaa ta lillian tha Coa<aaTor, Alfrad tha Graat, and Cbarlaaagna (I ahould say lagitinataly and/or iUagitiaataiy in acaa oasaa va raaah tha saaa daatination ia aora than ona way)* I also bare gatharad information oa tba Baoota, vbieh Z aasuaa ara your anoaatora; vaa not Lmborm your pro (janitor? For anyona vantlng eopisa of all thia, Z vili ba happy %o proTida tha? vith it; Z flgura wy eoata vould ba $4*25*
Hr* and lira* Sandlmd caaaa to Sav Orlaaaa raoantly (ha to gira aa addraaa at Tula&a) and va vaat out and had a good tlna, axehaagi&g oar talaa of hunting dovn tha Vingata ansaatora and tbair -various doInga* It ia alvaya plaaaurabla to aait scmaona vha baa baooaa aa inrolTad ia a qusat aa ona haa baaa onaaolf*
Uf graatinga and ragardsto all vbo gathar for tha Wlagata faaily ra-uaiom ia Da Riddar; Z bopa thia arriTsa ia tia* for thaaa to ahara ia it*
Your eouain.^
*a(Jit	___
Daxtar Thcnpaon *

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