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'EMBER 20,1926. K. OF PYTHIAS EXTEND ! SYMPATHY TO FAMILY 1 OF DECEASED KNIGHT Resolution Adopted *t th* Regular Meeting of Sea Sid? Lodge, No. 214, Knight* of PytkiM, T\ie*d*y Evening, November d. Whereas, it has pleased our Almighty and Heavenly Father to remove from pur midst fellow member and co-worker, Brother W. O. Sylvester, and Whereas, it is fitting and proper \ that this lodge express its tleepest and profound sympathy to tne bereaved family in their great loss, and Whereas, this lodge has lost a good and valuable ,member, and the com-,] munity a noble and worthy citizen; now, therefore, be it Resolved by Sea Side Lodge, No. 214, of the Order of Knights ? of Pythias in regular convention assembled, that this lodge does hereby express by these resolutions, to the bereaved family of Brother Sylvester, the deepest sympathy of its members in their bereavement. Be it further_ Resolved, that a copy of these reso~ lutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and a copy to The Sea Coast Echo, and one spread upon the minutes of this lodge. Respectfully submitted, T. E. KELLAR, H.* W. DRIVER, J. P. DRAKE, Com. on Resolutions. f UWC T~r? ? .. u .n -->inn-y m < %??*??W) ^between Main ahd Carroll aventie. Mayor G. Y. Blaize appointed Con-^ rid Sick, meat inspector for the balance of the term, vacancy caused by the death of W. O, Sylvester, same being ratified by the board. __Mntinn K w Alrlorm?n r.K?<i rT'"'?v fftlu _----------.-, , ?Lt. Ellia Sylvester has been notified by the State department that he has been commissioned to be an official attendant to Col. Lindbergh at Jackson, on the. occasion of the hero?s visit to the capital city, and will attend the banquet under official auspices. tl & ir 1 ^ ^Xa?t Bnnday the jpuptlala of Jndge TV. ^O. f * ?* ? - ?v. JSrUfster of Bar tit. Loula and MUa Sadie Patrick of Brandon, lifts., were ctWirated at -\h?? re-aldeuc* of Mr. aud Mr*. W\ W. atook- (dulf. lu M&Jn afreet, Iter. Mr. Hullmrt offl-rUtlD^. Th*- parlor* ami dining ruuiu ?err> di-OKrulrd -with beautiful flower*. anil after toe ceremony a baudaom-; ?upi?er ?aa
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