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, October 11?_ iy2b\ i ------------------------ Moved by Alderman Marti, seconded by Alder^ian Traub, and carried, j that tlie co/nmunication received I from the city attorney and that received from the attorney-general be placed on the minutes and that the city secretary .be and is hereby au-1 thorized and directed to returh the ? petition for the commission form of 3 government, requesting the parties to i correct the affidavit and the- certifi-J cate, in accordance with the opinion " of' the city attorney and attorney-: general and return same to the clerk. 5 That as soon as the same is corrected and returned a special meeting be 'called, to order an election on said ? petition. The following resolutions of respect was duly adopted: | ! ?Whereas, the Lord in His wis-> dom saw fit to remove from our midst one of our best citizens, a man of sterling quality and a public officer, who has served his community in many offices of trust with untiring faithful effort. ?Whereas, we, the officers of the City of Bay St. Louis, specially feel his loss as he served as a public officer with this administration faithfully and well and his presence and serv-. ices will always be missed by us. Be it therefore ---------------?* ?Resolved that we, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen* of the City of Bay St. Louis, do hereby express our sorrow for the irreparable loss of our co-worker and fellow townsman, Mr. W. 0. Sylvester, and our hearts go out to his wife and family in their loss and our sorrow is hereby expressed to his wife and family. ?B: it farther resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to Mrs. W. 0. Sylvester and a copy thereof be Bo Sat noi At* Ke' Ar Ma 1 Ion sie to Egl Wai lea otfc Lin ? c k. eck Stn deri cost * rose Redi Hild Si rie ' Yvet Le J Perr i pi Cam Edit Eliz: eclce F Elai Louise Strong, ----w _________ entered upon the minutes of the Board of Mayor and Aldrmen of the City of Bay St. Louiq. ?S. J. LADNER, Secty.? (CONTINUED ON PAGE SIX) ~ LU * * N V n c* *< o 2 OK
Turner 072