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MISSISSIPPI ARTS COMMISSIOrf Telcphonc((i01)354-7:)30 -301 North Lamar Street- Pohi Office Box 1341 xfiRS* JackMon, MIhm1mmI|>pI :J02i05 CLIFF FINCH governor LIDA ROGERS lida ROGtKs Anril 1? lQ7ft EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR II 10, 1:7/0 Mrs. Odile Rauxet Carter 218 North Beach Boulevard Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39520 Dear Mrs. Carter: The offer made by sculptor Richmond Barthe1 to Bay St. Louis is indeed generous and will provide a most appropriate landmark for your city and the Hississippi Gulf Coast. The National Endowment for the Arts' Art in Public Places Program offers matching fur^s for significant works of art. I am enclosing a copy of the guidelines for this program and a sample applicatiorTfc^orm for .^our-information. I will be happy to assist you^n preparing tjre necessary proposal letter (deadline: Jurie 197,#) and also the grant appli- cation (if the propor?al<^Vs approve^. ^ -?> You should deterwfriec,tne approximate costs of the following: (1) Mr. Barthe'^ usral fe4 foi/comparable work, (2) travel expenses (if cfoy)^?t3) cost of materials and services required, (4) cost of^stiitaer, (5) c<5st of site preparation, (6) cost of install^!or,- This win provide the overall estimated budget co?ts\ffcr t\& prpject. Application for one-half the total amour^may J6e sijbmitted to the Endowment. Only the estimated totals^must be included in the proposal letter. If the proposal is approved the grant application will require more specific breakdown. Please let me know 1f I can be of further assistance. Good luck with this exciting project for Mississippi! Si ncerely Theo Inman Program Director /? _ j , Enclosures
Barthe, Richmond Letter-from-MS-Arts-Commission-4-13-78