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Thn Board^of M yor and Ald./W# of th© City H all netat tho City Ball on Tuesday, October 30,1883* Thor© irere presentt Hon* Aug* Keller, I4ayar 1, Robira Aid* V E. Ladner C*H*Mc3han, iiarohol II Wilkins on, sooy* The nlnuteB of the previous meeting we re read and on notion duly node, seconded and carried, were apjarovod** Tlie oath of office required by the Constitution was administered to Messrs E* Gardebled and Jesse Conran by the Mayor and they becooe members of and entered Into the proceedings of the meeting* Hie Honor, the Mayor appointed £• gordebled as memeber of the Finance Co jh* vice #/#// H*E*Shropshire* ## The following bills were examined, approved, allowed and ordered to bo paid vizt H.W .Wilkinson-----------------------$ 25*70 R* Seube 25.05 C. Sanger 34*70 Fairchild and Keller 22*95 Jo* Bourgeois 5. There being no further business the motion duly n»de and carried the Board adjourned until Board In course , Aug* Keller, Kayor Howard W* Wilkinson, Secy.
BSL City Charters Shieldborough incororated to Bay Saint Louis - Feb 8, 1838 (73)