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-"00264 2 M. J. GRADY -KELLY & PARK - C* OLIVARI JOHN BRADFORD J. NIELSEN J. D. WHITE - F. A. BARTHES B. TUCEI'S - Carpenter and Builder Residence on Lameuse Street, north side railroad, Biloxi Estimates furnished on application Building and Repairing Reasonable Rates John T. Kelly - G. Edvard Park Building Contractors Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished on applica tion Joinery and General Repairing mads a Specialty All vork entrusted promptly exdcuted and finished in a Mechanical and Workmanlike Manner Residences on Fayard Street, near the Catholic Church Corner Pass Christian and Lameuse St., Biloxi Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Ship Chandlery, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, etc. - Dealer in Rough and Dressed Pine Lumber SxsraxxKii Saved and Dravn Cypress Shingles Building and Paving Brick, Laths, etc. - Biloxi Watchmaker & Jeveler of Scranton, Miss., has Located Permanently at Biloxi and may be found on Reynoir Street vhere he vill attend promptly to all vork entrusted to his care. Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jevelry and Seving Machine a specialty. Practical Painter - Come to Stay ! Biloxi, Miss. Glazing, Kalsoming, Tinting, etc. All orders entrusted to my care vill receive prompt at tention. - Dealers in General Merchandise Corner Pass Christian and Main Streets, Biloxi, Miss. Cor. Pass Christian and Delauney Streets Nev Goods ! Just Received A large and veil selected stock of Nev Clothing, Hat'' and Furnishing Goods for Men and Bo: > vhich vill be sold LOW for CASH. A large stock of Shoes of All Grades for Ladies, Men and Boys, kept constantly on hand.
Biloxi Document-(074)