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What Comzs o ^ a Commltmznt by What comzs o ? a commltmznt made, In youth, by two young lovzns? JO - hzn suddzn filnzy zxploslons; zach one nipping hzn hzant wldz opzn; zach tlmz mzndlng - making hzn hzant twlcz as big as -it was bzfaonz. SUSIE - a woman with thz tzndzn hzant ofa a child; a hzant zaslly bnokzn, not as zanily mzndzd; and always dzllghtlng In llttlz things othzn. gnown-ups don?t szz. MUGSy - shows hzn. lovz by doing, by achlzvlng; sometimes bossy. Vozs shz know how Inzfifizctlvz shz Is at marking hzn gzntlznzss ? VJ - wz callzd hzfi a Vnzamzn. No onz suspzctzd thz fiapld cunnznt o<J. stnzngth undzn thz placid watzns o? hzn dn.zams . JULIE - thz Rzbzl! Thz filzncznzss madz mon.z bzautlfiul by nz -fining - thz Rzbzl now softly touching and changing llvzs. BOOTSIE - lookzd down most ofi hzn llfiz. Togzthzn with hzn ^nlznd shz has nalszd hzn. gazz to thz hzavzns , and. has fiound hzn. Stan.. AL - his somztlmzs sad zyzs showing thz Wisdom o^ thz Agzs; his sllznt stnzngth, his qulzt wanmth. TR1SH - a woman with thz punz and plznclng honzsty oa child. Hzn szzlng things as thzy anz nzsults In honzst angzn, tnuz Indignation, Punz Lovz. t JOVV _ Did bzlng thz youngzst filattzn his dlmznslons, nob him o& pant o |J his soul. No.' Although his szanch Is just beginning, his capacity fion dzzpnzss and thz dlmznslons o& his soul sunpAls z zvzn him. I thank you fion making thz Commltmznt, and 7 lovz you fion kzzplng It.
Blanchards of BSL 075