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OIIAKTEK OF BAY . '•■•’■J ST. LOOig^ produced and filed with the Secretary a duplicate receipt signed j . t . by the Treasurer for the sura specified in such receipt warrant. ■' V S*-; Sec. 54. Be it further enacted, That the board of Mayor and Aldermen shall have power in its discretion to enploy coun t ' sel in all civil and criminal cases in which the city is inter-^ .ested, to conduct the proceedings in said cases and to pay suchf ■ counsel out of the city treasury. • . -Q Sec, 55. Beit farther enacted, That, before any warrant shall £;y . •'«V7' be paid or received for taxes, it must be endorsed by the Tax • . Collector of the city: “no taxes due from the person to^ * whom thiat warrant was issued;” or must be credited by written endorsement by such Tax Collector with the amount of taxes ‘ due from the person to whom it was issued ; and when thus endorsed by the Tax Collector (whose duty it shall be to examine into the facts and endorse such warrant accordingly and subscribe the certificate he may make) such warrant shall be paid] by the City Treasurer m full, or as to the balance due after deducting taxes due from the person to whom the warrant, was issued. /■■'V Sec. 56. Be it further enacted, That the City Tax Collector after having endorsed said warrants as above required, he shall present all warrants issued to persons liable to poll taxas to the Tax Collector of the county* for his endorsement, and*# any poll tax is due from the person to whom the warrant was issuecV, thp said County Collector, shall endorse the same accordingly, ■ and the sgtld City Treasurer vahall retain the amount so due as • certified by said County Collector, and pay the same over-to him. ■ / Sec. 57-; Be it further enacted, That said board of Mayor and l»:: ’ii'.V.-1; •' *.< * Aldermen may publish in some newspaper published in said city, i -------------- *L* *....--J! * " M. ** * ~ - J > *Vr, a true copy of the proceedings of its regular and special meet-■fiv" ings, t'o be paid for out of the city treasury. ■» v ’ * * 'Sec.'58. Be it further enacted, That all ordinances,• rules, by-laws or regulations heretofore adopted by the board of Mayor and Aldermen of the city, of Bay St. Louis, and uot inconsistent with this act, shall remain and be in force and be valid until, amended or repealed by said board of Mayor and : Aldermen of the city of Bay St. Louis: Seo. 59. Be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts ill conflict with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act take eflect and be in force from and after its passage. 'Approved, March 16,1886. 1' \>v KV, ■1 *V' '3 REVISED ORDINANCES. r s'f / *■ CHAPTER jTo provide for the fnblioation of the Revised Ordinances, and for the repeal of other Ordinances. , Section x. £e it ordained by the Board of Mayor and Alder* iftun afj}it*£ity of Bay St. Louis, as, follows, to-wit : The or-fdinances or the city of Bay St. Louis as revised and amended [shall be printed and bound and two hundred copies, or as many Jas may .be Necessary, not to exceed that number, distributed ■unong'|lje*citizens of s^jd city; said ordinances shall be arranged n chapters of which this shali be the first, and numbered as fol- • lows-: ^ •. a—In relation to wards and elections. • ’ .• 4 ’ .. 3—In relation to city officers, and to limit and define theij du- kids. , 4—Inflation to the levy and collection of taxes. •5—In relation to offences affecting good morals and decency,. ,, public peace, quiet, safety and property, and in relation to nuis* lances. - 4 t 1 6—In relation to public coaches, cabs, carriages, omnibuses,.- Wvagons, carts and drays. * ' In relation to the bank, banquette or sidewalk. ’' .7. ■ ti 12 13 ? 1 8—In relation to oyster houses. 9—;In relation to dogs, vicious animals, hogs and goats. 10—In relation to board of health. •In relation to city warrants. * *. In relation to salaries and fees. 1 In relation to ordinances and by-laws when to take effect. 14—Miscellaneous ordinances. * t . Sec. 2. In the preparation of said ordinances for printing, it* shall be law to re-number the sections, numbering them from one [to—, consecutively, through the entire volume; and to omit the 'ordinary and enforcing clause to all the ordinances and sections, r Sec. 3. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, rules, regulations-and orders heretofore passed, and not mentioned and specified ini the first section of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. « •* < . ■ .i y. '■ •{ *;» V
BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(13)