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that we have some document in which the early settlers were told to search for pearls as part of their mission; do you remember where?)
XXI Hancock County Deed Book C, p. 16.
?"Ibid, p. 14.
XX1? See appendix for will.
XX1V From Pearlington: Church and Community. (Jenkins (1991:4). Noted as translator at Mobile for Indians in Major A. LaCarriere Latour?s Historical Memoir. Plat of Pearl River tract in Heitzman ms is found in Spanish West Florida Records, Louisiana State Museum, Book a, no. 3: 173-4. These records state that Simon Favre had ?two plantations that he inherited from his father, Jean Favre, each one containing 1200 arpents; one is located on the left of the Little Pearl River and the other on the right of the Large Pearl River?. The plantation was ?about six leagues up the Pearl River from where it empties into the Rigolets? xxv From Freiberg: Francisco Bouligny was an officer-messenger for Governor O?Reilly in 1769; in 1773 he is identified as a Spanish Officer who in 1769 came to New Orleans to announce the arrival of O?Reilly at the Balize?; in 1776 he is a Colonel of Regulars of Louisiana; in 1799 Colonel, Infantry Company of Louisiana Regulars; a person with a similar name identified as Sergeant Major in 1784 might have been a descendant of the Colonel.
XXV1 Arthur H. DeRosen, Jr. ??The Removal of the Choctaw Indians? University of Tennessee Press, 1970:7. xxvn Angie Debo, Fall of the Choctaw Republic, p. . The fort was located near the mouth of the Yazoo River, on a piece of land secured by the Spanish form the Choctaws and the Chickasaws.
XXVI" Juan Bautista Pellerin, Pass Christian to Vincente Folch Number 15, December 10, 1808.
Letter narrates that two corsairs anchored at Mariana Pass. Three days later two officers ?being known for their letters as Americans with the idea of passing to the lake, which I denied, saying there was none, however, via sounding they found the pass, and at present in the Pass Christian, armed each with two 18-pounders, to 12-pound howitzers, various ?pedreros? and thirty or fourty <sic> men as crew...? They requested a?pratico? [medical assistant],
XX1X Babin?s land neighbored the Challon claim to the east (Barton 1820).
There is some uncertainty as to the identity of Mathurin Babin. A petition by Prospero Casimir Babin, dated April 27, 1804, requests a parcel ?on the right (dereche) of the Pearl River, on a place which was inhabited by Castillion.? This document, located in the Manuscript Department, Tulane University, undoubtedly refers to the same claim listed for Mathurine Babin in the Courthouse records. Prospero, a Lieutenant in the Militia, requested the land from the Spanish authority, Don Juan Morales, Intendent General. Either Mathurin was a descendant of Prospero, or Prospero may have changed names to reclaim his land from the newly formed land commissions set up by the U.S. Government to review existing land deeds in the former Spanish territories.
xxx From Freiberg: Casa Calvo was the official representative of the Governor General of Cuba, the Floridas, and Louisiana to act with Governor Salcedo in the transfer of the province to France.
XXXI J.F. H. Claiborne, Historical Account of Hancock County and the Sea Board of Mississippi, and address given to the people of Bay. St. Louis, July 4, 1876, copy in Public Library, Bay St. Louis, MS. xxx" Official Letter Book of WCC Claiborne, 1801-1816, Letter dated September 29, 1812,Vol. VI, p. 182-3. Editor Rowland mentions that Dinsmore was ?arbitrary in his official acts.? xxx'? Ibid, letter dated November 16, 1812, p. 200-201.
xxxiv	Ibid, letter dated April 14, 1813, p. 233-35.
xxxv	Ibid, p. .
xxxvi	Official Letter Books of WCC Claiborne, 1801-1816, Vol. V, pp. 132-34.
xxxvn Historical Account of Hancock County and the Sea Board of Mississippi, and address given by JFH
Claiborne on July 4th, 1876,Hancock County Historical Society, Bay St. Louis, MS.
xxxvl" De Rosier, Arthur, The Removal of the Choctaw Indians p. 32.,
xxxix Qffjcja] Letter Books of WCC Claiborne, v. I, p. 60.
xl Official Letter Books of W.C.C. Claiborne 1801-1816, Vol. VI, pp. 138-139.
xh Official Letter Books of WCC Claiborne, 1801-1916, Vol. VI, pp. 153-155.

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