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196 SPAIN IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY XI * a S ^ Z 3 3 o +J SD 3 a o ? 2 < H M nJ I. 5 i * *5 I S< o I ^ Is THE REVOLUTIONAKX i-.Ei.rvnj.i_>, De MEzxfeRESjpd Unzaga -----November 1, 1771 u0 Governor General. I have the honor to submit to Your Lordship the inclosed ; ents that have been made here with the Taovaya captains who as deputies and intermediaries for their ally, the Comanche They declare that this tribe will be eternally grateful for secur-e desired peace for which they have come to sue so earnestly om so far away. Thus peace will be established on a firm basis rding to the magnanimous and kindly plans of Your Lordship f the Baron de Iiipperda) in this jurisdiction and the neighbor-rovince of Texas. "y God guard the important life of Your Lordship many happy as I incessantly pray. 6rt of San Juan Bautista de Natchitoches, November 1,1771. f nor Governor General, your most humble servant kisses the hand ^our Lordship. ?'% Atha(6*?. de MezifeRES,^Rubric) Arriaqa to the Governor of Louisiana January IS, 177S1*1 P- am sending to Your Lordship at the decree of the King six copies he Royal Pragmatic Sanction which he ordered issued, prohibiting gentry into and use in the dominions of His Majesty of cotton tex-jss of foreign manufacture, or those with mixture thereof, under the o.visions and penalties prescribed therein, in order that Your Lord-:p may have this published in that government and brought to the iice of all, so that they may not plead ignorance, lay God preserve Your Lordship many years. Cl Pardo, January IS, 177S. El Bailio Frey Don Julian de Arriaga (Rubric) iSenor Governor of Louisiana. Arriaga to the Governor of Louisiana January 177S142 To. 72. It has been decided by the King that, in case any English war .vessel attempts to engage in smuggling in those dominions or in i ?> AGI, PC, leg. 2357. ln AGI, PC, leg. 174. AGI, PC, leg. 174.
Favre, Simon 一document-53