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Died Clyde, Mi??.?Remains Were Brought to B*y St. Louia Sunday Afternoon for Interment?Daughter of Late Judge Sylv???ter.
After an illness of several weeks at the home of her daughter, at Clyde, Miss., Mrs. K. W. Pledger passed away Sunday at 12:15 a. m. The remains were shipped to this city and the funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the Baptist church, interment at Cedar Rest Cemetery. Deceased was a native of Alabama, where she was born March 2, 1855. She was a daughter of the late Judge J. H. Sylvester, of Beat 5, and a sister of Messrg. Wm. 0. Sylvester and J. Howard Sylvester, and of Mrs. I. B. Weir, of Gulfport, and Mrs. T. B. Turner, of Winsboro, Texas. In addition to these relatives she is survived by a number of grown children, none of whom reside here.
For a number of years Mrs. Pledger resided at the family home in Blue Meadow Road, where she reared quite a family. Later Mr. Pledger moved with his family -o Texas. Af-t*'r his death Mrs. Pledger moved back tc Mississippi nr.u made Missis sippi her home, residing with her children.
Mrs. Pledger was well known and well connected, and the news i,f her death will be learned by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances anc cause general regret.

Turner 076
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