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In Relation to Wabds and Elections.
S'J „	*
_idMc for office at the present ensuing city election, and that I faithfully and impartially, to the best of my skill and ability, jbonduct said election ; that- all the qualified voters and none iihm shall ballot at said election, and that good order shall be jgcescnfcd, so far as in my power, at the polls, so help me God.”'
• Sec. 4. The first ward shall embrace all the territory in said cisfSrc- 8* Ne person shall be allowed to vote at any city elec- ■ between the northern boundary of said city and the north side <Spn w*10	.not ^ave ^een registered as required by the
Main street. ’	fciwitcr of said city ; and the names of all persons who vote at
The Second Ward shall embrace all the territory of said city c^<9ct'0n	n	down	and	kept	on separate lists by
tween the north side of Main street and the north side of Gooff*'^ inspectors .and clerks; and after each election the lists of Children street. \L	•	/U,	sheets,.ballot	box and key thereof, shall be delivered ,
shall em&race all the territory between t!f>,‘hc *«cretary of sa,d Clty for preservation.	..	•
Children street and the north boundary &*£ ■,	f	^	.	v
James McConnell’s property, being the dividing line between th®;:	^	----------:—~—v	v** V '
property of said McConnell and Mrs. John O’Brien.	'	]	•	•	*"'**■	<
* “to	’	Tlie	Fourth Ward shall embrace all the territory of said city b®..v; -	11	•.	'	CHAPTER	III.
*	*ween	north	boundary	line	of	James	McConnell’s proper
and the south boundary line of said city.	»
•	ARTICLE II—Elections.	,
Sec. 5. On or before the first Saturday in March preceding each general election, the Mayor and Aldermen shall appoinj from among the qualified voters of the city three free-holders 3
J >,
.The Third W^rd north side of Gc«a
r *
Iw Relation to City Offioers Generally.
Sbc. 9. Every officer of the city shall at all tfmes, when revested, submit hi* books and official papers to the inspection of
said city as commissioners and inspectors of said election,	Mayor	and	Aldermen,	or	to	any	person	or	committee	appoint
said inspectors shall likewise appoint two clerks from among tl -qualified voters of the city; whereupon the Mayor of said cit] shall give notice of the time when and the place where such elei ^tion will be held, the officers to be elected, and the tiames of thi , inspectors, clerks and returning officer.
*	. Sec. 6. Said commissioners, inspectors and clerks and peaci
officer shall conduct said election in accordance with the pi visions' of the charter of said city.
, The polls shall be 9pened at 9 o’clock, a. m., and close'd ■6 o’clock, p. m. Immediately after the polls have been close, the votes shall be counted and the persons found to have receivei
or authorized by the Mayor and Aldermen to examine the e.	1	1
Skc. io.. Everyofficer of the city on going out of office, shall iver to his successor or to the Mayor, all books, papers, ac--unts, tools, instruments, and everything pertaining to his office, be entitled to a receipt therefor if required. ,
Sec. 11, Every officer who shall refuse or wilfully neglect to-brm the dutiesimposed upon him by law or ordinance, or who ,11 in his official acts be guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppres-n or favoritism, or willful injustice, or for any satisfactory cause,. 1 be removed from office. The method of removal shall be
’ v *
l51U-ri??5er Vjlfs shall be declared duly elected, anij^y & vote 0f jjjg Mayor and Aldermen, three-fourths of them vot-. shall be forthwith returned by said inspectors and returning officefjnj, jn tije affirmatire, ten days notice having befen first given to to the office of; the Secretary of State.	fee person to be removed. .	.
r L Vi 1 r commissioners, inspectors, clerks and peace <5fT	,2>	No	oflcer of the city shall purchase or sell any city
ficer shall, before entering upon the duties of their offices, takffv*arrants on specuhtion; and no officer shall loan out, or use on. and subscribe before any officer competent to administer an oathijjjs own acc0unt on any pretext, any money of the city in his
•	{hands, or on any petext pledge or loan any of the property of the-
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully support^,- except asordtred by the Mayor and Aldermen; and the do-and true allegiance bear the Constitution of the United States,JnJ. 0( these thing; is hereby declared a sufficient cause for re-and the btate of Mississippi, and obey the laws thereof; that wowil will faithfully discharge the duties of the office and appointment ■upon which I am about to enter; that I am not, nor will not be 1
Stc. 13! All officers shall take the following oath before entering upon the dutijs of their offices:	"	>	,
j .1 > ' * H. .

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(14)
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