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•	. ' ’ ' f- ■ > >'
■	,30 -	v-; Revised .dKQiNANOEs! .	*'
■	• »* y, -•••' .	-•
"	’	■	VV«	» ^ I'^OFFICE., ■> , *
’	. t1!,, ' ■^.efosolgrtmly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully
.support ariji truQ'allegiafiQp'ibear, the constitution of the United •' States'’-and ‘the -State'of- Mississippi, and'.obey the laws thereof; that I'am not disqtlalifie^L-'frOm holding offiqa-'by the constitution -<jf.the’Unfted State's«r'thfe Sta,te of Mississippi j that I will aup-’ .'.' port-And obey, the la^ys, <?rdinj.nces and Mayor <..,?ap4’Aldermen of the city of; Bay St. Louis, .{ind th# X will .faith-
•	V fully discharge the.duties (>f» th^ office .-upon whijh,I am about to ‘enter,- • -..go help me;Gdd,’K';.	'	v-
j The' oatft'of offic.e, with 'tfietofficial bpnd; when approved, shall be filed with the'secretary’pf" the city. All "officers shall qualify withifl thirty days from the dat? of their election or appointment.
' • Skc^ 14, Any Pfficer heing absent" from thg^city.without the •: written -permission of the'>l<iybr, -slxall (therpbyvaca’te his office,
’ -which ?hajl, be filled as in'case-,of any other vacancy. .
' Sec. 15. Any officer of ’the city violating any’bf his official obligations, <5r be’ijigj charge4 wUh jculpable official* negligence or ’•'dereliction-of duty,'-or witlvconduct jnconsisterit with his official character and duty,* ftr with official' incompetency, shall be suspended from office by .the Mayor, who shall -appoint a person to-fill the-offiie for ^he'time 'being, and without unnecessary delay .report‘the charges, with his'action, to the. Mayor and Aldermen/ ' * ■ ■ •'> ’•* ' * ; ' -• <■ -'.j: -■ ARTICLE-II.—Mayor/ ■	'
Sec. j6. The Mayor shall make known'to the Mayor ’and .	Aldermen the wants and necessities of the cityfrom time -to time,
recommending such action And the adoption cf such^measifres as ’ 'the-welfare of the city may demand; He shall supwyi^e all the, j*	officers of the^ity," and shall see that all laws, ordinances and
-	resolutions are enfored. He shall suspend all delinquent officers
iof the city government, ancf report the same to the ,Mayor and Aldermen, with his reasons t therefor. ^ He shall have power at if ’	any time to call a special meeting of tKe Mayor and Aldermen.
1V	rtf, In' case of the* suspension or removal of any'officer of the city, the Mayor is authorized to employ1 a substitute until a meeting of .	the Mayor'and Aldermen.
Sec. 17. He shall cause all contrasts with the city to be made out in writing, ^nd executed by the contractors and their securities on the one part, and by the Mayor, on behalf of the city, on the others and shall cause the s^me to be filed with the city sec*, 'retary,	'
Sec. i 8, It shall be his duty to’ draw all wairants upon the city.
•	treasurer for accounts and , claims against the Mayor and Alder-
men, which are presented for payment in accordance with the ordinances and rules of said Mayor' and Aldermen, which warrants shall be countersigned by the secretary of the pity, and approved ’ by the chairman of the finance committee. ‘	'	-
f DUTIES. 0'ff%AY£R AND';SE0J&TAUt.‘’
'	' *' K’"'/	!"	'	• v ’"’-'V ' *
Sec., 19. -It shaiybe. tli&-fluty.of .the M^ywt'o-hold'a/regular term ot coyrt Jhi?-first'.Tuesday; in.ey^y.'ntonth, fcjr‘the-purpose of hearing and dete#nin1rtg-al!vq3se3,)vhicb:-rnay'be brought . before him, and cont^iu.t'the.sfime'uHtil ^li^ysiness.has been di?-’ posed of; providedi'^owe^arf that said^Iaiy^iiiay ho}<jv$pepial.' terms of .gaid fcourtjit any'.tirfie" whcn.'^iei shall'deetn ft necessary-' for the promotion of«justic? Qr for the';$fiai of< violations <?f pity.
<	'ordinances.* He shajU&usft'-all, neceiisgiyipr«cess. tp. issue/.fpr bringing,offepd^-s agaih$t; the c;ity ..ordip^n.ajs; before him.’«!H<;‘ shall, upon conviction,of, jll'W?riders,imppse.the fines and pern alties affixed to*tlie pffenses,' respectively^ and such offenT: ders tp the'jai! until'such'fines APC^he cogts -^hall be paid, pr-he,
: may commute such,fin$-to l^bi^f-Qn^he piibliQ streets pr roads of the city, allowing'for sugh Iabpij^hee'sum.. pf-r'one.'dollaVfper.aay.'
,-He shay keep a well.bouiid'docketjin,-wKi?h and-'
*	preserved the names of every 'person brought'^efiSrj.'hiip and accused of ^ny offense, against;-the city'. pr'dinancesi*'tio,g^her,withi
. the memorandum'of the charge again^t^uph'person,-' Ilis judgr _ ment ih each.caseshalj: also be e'nt®red-<fn,said dp^ket,' an^unt pf fine if gqilty, apd the hunaber^of dayl.fiommitted ito thegail; a,'nd*. :-he shal] grant appeals froiq his judgments when applipd for ^nthin’ I -five days from the rendition ,tliereQf; *pr6vided.? goo^ and sum-.-••.cienf bond accompany $uch application. ^	.	,	.	'•	\	...
Sec%. ?o. .Tha Mayor.§hjill have power, andjt i$ frereby npade his duty torender judgment againjt^ll persons violating or failing y to,fiomply with, obey (Or ^bide by thft. terms, provisions and direc* tiorfs of any ordinance-of the Mayp^. and Aldermen. In. any . '-case' in which a penalty fpr the vjolatiort or failujre to comply'with or"obey the terms of an ordinance, ard not fixed as tQ art6unt, the .. fine imposed shalf be in the discretion of jthe Mayor, but in all 1*>;cases in wjiich the penalty or./ine is or limited by ordinance,
•	the*Mayor shall be governed thereby,- *•	^
Sec. 21. Whenever it^hall be necessary to secure the attend-
*	ance of Witnesses, the Mayor shall cause a subpoena to be issued, directed to''the Marshal of the city to execute said subpoena according to the terms thereof; and any person who,.' after-being duly served with a subpoena shall fail and refuse to appear, shall be deemed, guilty of contempt and be fined .therefor not more than ten dollars.	-	*	•	-
*	. 7 ' , AR.TICLE III—Secretary, • '
‘	''	'	• -	*	v	f ’	'	*	..	*	-	*	/	,
Sec. ‘23. . The Secretary of,the city, before entering upon the ,/duties of “his office, shall make, a bond payable to ther-Board of Mayor and Aldermen pf the City of Bay St. Louis, and their suc-^ cesSor’sin office, in the penalty of Two Hundred Dollars,-with twof or more securities to be approved by said Mayor and Aldfrmen,-conditioned that he will faithfully perform the duties of his,office' during hjs continuance therein.' .

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(15)
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