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October 16, 1978 Miss Theo Tnmssi Program Director His8issippi Arts Commission 301 North Lamar Street P. 0, Box 13itl Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Dear Miss Inman: Our historical society appointed a committee in 1977 to carry out plans for the erection of a statue of King Louis H of France for whoa thcj Bay of St* Louis was named. Sfcoiessor Ward of the University of Southern Mississippi brought this to the attention of the society* Richmond Barthe*, the sculptor, is making the statue and it is dedicated to the State of Mississippi* He requested it overlook the Bay* ^Qc> r The committee chaiman Mrs* Odile Carter, Professor Wards mother Mrs. Juanita Stechman,rMrs, Llqjffl Gi^ffith/ and/Tortia Labat were to seek the funding area ai.d a tfte th^^jtatjje, T^>' / Mr8. Carter has reppfcxeti to the/soar^and membership of our society that they are w orKjLrtfe ujkler the r^u^delines of the Mississippi Arts Commission* It gfc ot?P understanding Richmond Barthe* has completed the Commission ^or*J-f or fanding'j it has been returned to your Program Department ancfis,^ ' ? pen at this time for $0/50 matching funds on estimated .000.00, The Hancock County Society is chartered with the State of Mississippi, our ch y-laws conform to the Interna. Revenue Code of 501 (c) (3) Identification #6a-06l33U0, Doners raaylcontribute as provided in section 170 of the Code of Bequests for Federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sec- tions 2055,2106 and 2522 of the Code, Mrs, Carter reported to our meeting of October 9th, 1978 that historical societies may not receive funds for projects, I would appreciate from you a answer concerning the Arts Coemission present position with the Barthe* Statue, Sincerely Louis Fernandez President mmg: LF cc: file P.S. We are having a Board and Committee meeting Hovember 6th and would appreciate an answer prior to that date.
Barthe, Richmond Letter-to-MS-Arts-Commission-10-16-78