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99914 tmi p$t *?g 'i H3NMU ?V Dir.*!: O' Judzc 'Svlvestt*.-. I Av9:2u {.??clock .\Y? -W ?.v ihe .Grim Reaper .cl ii.tivfl .i*ii lu;r c)d aird highly "reap- o'.ed ?. i-i?F,*'n - of shin .community S' ??? \h?. ?p'-r^'n of1 Judge James A. H. $ vives ei V :9ni\ ?* eight, or ten days.'fciiui ; h* '.vnC-w-. our streets 3f*d f*V. y.\ li?'- --!ij meitt?ol gotfd K*?aitL**', *3u ? on Sa:;r-d3v ninri:t he vrai 'tftK?w -vj*^ **? .. ? ? * ? monia? and'1;om tli'e 'inc picu -y^ 'if. the attack'it'baffled the skil?- :..f. the attending physician and hi- cpnd;-tiorj steadily grew mo?v critica1. and it was Been by those at his hedsidf ?.hat his recovery wa^'' impo-siblV. lie realized his condition, bu\th<? approaching end wa- fac-*d withou any signs of fear or trepidation. The deceased was born in Charles ton, South Carolina, on the 14 h day of July, 1S31, and when yet a I child removed with hi> parents to Alabama. Some thirty, yearns -ago he settled at Bay L >ts, :>:*u here he made his h: m-i on th ; Blui Meadow road, one mile west ot. ihe city, where he and his A?ife raise! their family of three daughters ana j two boos, all of whom survive him. Judge Sylvester served as a meai-ber of the* bjard of huperv.sors for a number of terms and was repeatedly elected justice of ihe peace, botn of wh;ch positions he fiilvMi with credit to himself andtotne s.iti^fa?-tior. cf the constituency which ihu< iioaored h;:n. He was the oldest member of the Masonic fraternitv on the coast, having been received .uto the order fifty \ear.> ago.' During the war between the State?, Judge Sylvester was a gallant soldier and bis love for tin; Southern cause was ever dear to his heart. 'The funeral, which took place Thursday evening, was conducted by the Masons, and was attended in a- large concourse of bo'. r*>wing"re:a- j' lives and f-lends.' T.,e interment1 was in the. family pfpt la the city cemetery. ?f. . _ _ The widow, ;?Who ? at? this writing lie* citically ill.with pneu-j monia, and the eons and daughters of the deceased have our aincere sympathy in the loss of & kind;, af-j fectiooale and devoted husband and father. May his last uleep be peaceful.
Turner 079