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& 4®i( [To be Returned to the Circuit Clerk of the County in which the Death Occurs.] ! -;---------:---0^9-------------------- ik,..t^z:/S'//£^.................................., :is%p... 1. Date of. Death, f • ( 2. ■ Full Name of Deceased,: Jf. Color*........................ 5. Age, ( hirthda.y*),.. 0. Nativity,.......................................................................... 8. Disease,......................... / 1 hereby certify that the above is a, trae return of the death and other facts above r ecorded. . : Da,ted at ;..................................;; County of...^^/:^hdr. ^>- .......Miss., this >r~.......d.ay of.. W ■ ' c^t> Residence,. , 4>,. rfHtrnd ing t PIitjjs i iTt.ll ft r ..... , * State whether White, Black, Mulatto, Indian or other Races. f Strike out these words if the Return be made by some other person/and add other explanatory words.
Deaths And Births 1879 To 1880 Deaths-(32)